Now we just need Ozzy to do some bat gummies
Where can I place my bet on whether this passes or not?![]()
Federal Marijuana Legalization Bill Officially Scheduled For House Floor Vote Next Week
The U.S. House of Representatives plans to vote on a bill to federally legalize marijuana for the second time in history next week, congressional leadership confirmed on Thursday. The body will take up the Marijuana Opportunity, Reinvestment and Expungement (MORE) Act, a bill sponsored by
Where can I place my bet on whether this passes or not?
Around here the best dispensary sale price I have seen for an ounce of bud (not shake) was around $400 after taxes. We have seen a small reduction of prices after dispensary sales came down about 15% from their highs, but the prices are still ridiculously high and still out of the acceptable range.I couldn't resist a great looking ounce of strawberry cough for $90, the THC content is reportedly 26% with a very unique fruity smell. After I bought it I learned it's a well studied strain with an unusual dominant terpenoid called terpinolene. It smells amazing and strong, but I'm not thrilled with it.
Don't let them fool you, the Dems are just as bad on cannabis as the Repubs.
I wonder how much is being grown in Oklahoma, with ~9000 licensed growers. Many of them have multiple premium indoor facilities, others have acres of low budget greenhouses, others are into sun grown, etc. I suspect there's enough weed to flood the U.S. market. A grower on the news said indoor premium weed can harvested for as low as $50/oz. The regulatory controls recently enacted are way too little too late. The OMMA has no way to know where the weed ends up, some untaxed in expensive markets, some overseas, nearby states including all of Texas, etc. The lower the price, the less likely you are to see a genuine test sheet, and (IMO) the more likely you are to get ripped off. I would guess some greenhouse weed might cost $25/oz or even less to grow, but it probably was exposed to extreme heat (before and after harvest). I see ads for sun grown flower for $50/oz. I have some zigzags and I'm tempted to use them.Around here the best dispensary sale price I have seen for an ounce of bud (not shake) was around $400 after taxes. We have seen a small reduction of prices after dispensary sales came down about 15% from their highs, but the prices are still ridiculously high and still out of the acceptable range.
Legal marijuana sales in Illinois are falling
Recreational marijuana in Illinois set record sales for nine consecutive months, up until January and February
Back in the day when Cannabis was something that Hippies and musicians consumed one could suggest that it favored Democrats. One didn't (or I didn't at least) usually find "Republicans" sleeping in the park and sharing joints. Those days are over and cannabis is no longer associated with one party or another. I think I know lots of right leaning folks who love the devil weed. Were it not the case we could talk politics in here without the knifes coming out...New Biden Budget Keeps Ban On D.C. Marijuana Sales But Preserves State Medical Cannabis Protections
No more excuses for a Democrat in office to not legalize other than corporate influence.
Don't let them fool you, the Dems are just as bad on cannabis as the Repubs.
It started before Nixon and it was always about the money.Every politician who doesn't move heaven and earth to right the wrongs of our cannabis laws is signing their name to the ugly history behind prohibition. It was never, ever about health or "the children". It was always bullshit.
"The Nixon campaign in 1968, and the Nixon White House after that, had two enemies: the antiwar left and black people. We knew we couldn't make it illegal to be either against the war or black, but by getting the public to associate the hippies with marijuana and blacks with heroin, and then criminalizing both heavily, we could disrupt those communities. We could arrest their leaders, raid their homes, break up their meetings, and vilify them night after night on the evening news. Did we know we were lying about the drugs? Of course we did."
-John Ehrlichman, Nixon Aide and Watergate henchman
It started before Nixon and it was always about the money.
The root of all evil.
It was definitely about the money. But you can't really get regular people to support a law designed to make oligarchs even richer. No, cannabis prohibition was sold to the public by claiming that weed makes black and brown people rape white women. Prohibitionists should be made to defend that sentiment. Not worries about health or "the children".
And while it didn't start under Nixon, he is a true villain for cannabis enjoyers. His Administration launched the Schafer Commission to determine how America should handle weed. That panel of experts determined cannabis should be immediately decriminalized. Instead, Nixon escalated the War on Drugs so he could lock his political enemies in a cage.
Unfortunately, what the people want and/or vote for is not manifested by our leaders. We consistently, and in ever-growing numbers, vote for legalization, and still, it doesn't pass....But you can't really get regular people to support a law designed to make oligarchs even richer...
Unfortunately, what the people want and/or vote for is not manifested by our leaders. We consistently, and in ever-growing numbers, vote for legalization, and still, it doesn't pass.
Did any of us have any say in Trump's tax cut for the rich?
Did any of us have a say in our choices for candidates?
With the mix of the internet unveiling layers, and arrogant politicians too lazy to/uninterested in hiding their crimes, it's become clear that it's not about governing or fostering a prosperous society, it is a money grab for the rich and powerful who have access.
And to amplify the Nixon injustice toward cannabis, Nixon cherry picked the Commission members to give the conclusion he wanted, that marijuana is evil and worse than heroin.
look up -1974 Virginia medical school research proves cannabinoids kill cancers ( Anti-Neo plastic activity of cannabinoids)Or you have the Governor of South Dakota, who saw a majority of voters in her State approve a medical marijuana program, and simply tore it up.
American "democracy and freedom", what an absolute joke. You and I have just as much say on the direction our country goes as medieval serfs did.
Wow, I did not know that tidbit. Tricky Dick stacked the deck in his favor and STILL lost. So he just knocked over the table and did what he was gonna do anyway.
The House is set to pass legislation on Friday to legalize marijuana nationwide, an effort that has unprecedented levels of support in both chambers of Congress.
The bill is likely to pass the lower chamber largely along party lines, with most Republicans expected to oppose it.