replying again to this one - so they are trying to come up with State supported standards - What about Majority rulings , Favors !!?? in America the country is way past 50% majority in relation to States having some type of legal access to the plant be it recreational legal and especially medically legal ... that would be the first Standardizing would it not ? to use the constitutional rights of all the people connected as a country when more states have laws in place than do not . so much time and effort spent trying to control plants- By fucking politicians !!!
IMO it's not just the cannibis industry that is somewhat corrupted.
The Third World War was devised to be totally different from all previous historical conflicts, an attack focused on the weak instead of the strong; to make use of “silent weapons, for quiet wars.”
Most will never even realize they are currently being attacked, right now. It was of course designed that way.
Most will never be able to psychologically accept the fact that “the truth is stranger than fiction.”
The politicians are just high on their own ego brainwashed selfish bitches,whom are actually controlled by the Money Cartel.(ever read "The Creature from Jekyll Island", no, you better do it now , don't waste your time on being just a 'ant'.
The thing is imho they don't even realise THAT, so it's up to us not to be contempt and quiet but to make noise heaps of noise....

And after reading that you will realise:just what
@invertedisdead said, "the Truth is stranger than fiction".
you could simply not believe how simple it all is, once you see the powers behind it all happening.
:world war 3 you can understand why it's very eminent.
The collapse of the us as an world power, its very easy to understand, once you understand the play behind it.
The climate change and crisis, well it's caused ,and is preventable ,but it is of use for those 6 original of the cartel.....
Covid, must have been crossing their plans, but still their agenda is there and active.

This Cartel is also the ONLY reason of cannabis prohibition!
And the only one's holding up research ......etc.
Read it please, inform yourself.