Well-Known Member
I’d say his day was made.If you're going to market CBD, use IP you have rights to:
Clint Eastwood wins $6.1 million in damages in CBD fakery lawsuit
I’d say his day was made.If you're going to market CBD, use IP you have rights to:
Clint Eastwood wins $6.1 million in damages in CBD fakery lawsuit
I learned a lot of weed science watching this recent documentary, although it focused on medical applications, as if written by non-users looking for documented benefits. I'm waiting for network documentaries written by stoners for stoners; e.g. all about weed vaping, hydroponic growing, strain details and history, etc. The show mentioned the known positive benefits for people trying to get away from opioids, or vets with PTSD. That's excellent but I suspect there's more to it than that. Recreational users are often depicted as partiers, or hippies, or degenerates, but most folks are probably law abiding, working for a living and paying taxes.In this Nova episode, legal, medical, & political case studies are intercut with the opinions of scientists on risk/benefit analyses of cannabis use. Certain loaded terms, like 'withdrawal,' 'addiction,' & 'dependance,' are often used with almost no qualification or supporting data.
Cannabis can have a major impact on the safety of employees and cannabis legalization is creating new challenges for employers. According to a recent NSC survey, one third of employees say they have observed cannabis use during work hours. The survey also found that:
Check out this infographic for more survey findings.
- More than half of employers that eliminated THC testing reported seeing an increase in incidents or other workplace performance concerns
- Most employers believe employees would feel comfortable telling their supervisor if they were too impaired to work, while less than half of employees reported they would feel comfortable telling supervisors they were impaired
- Less than half of organizations have a written policy addressing cannabis
NSC advocates for cannabis safety with a number of policy positions, from workforce drug testing to substance-free workplace policies and programs. See the full list of NSC policy positions related to cannabis.
NSC Recommendations for Employers
As more states legalize cannabis for recreational and medicinal use, employers must take clear, strong stances to ensure worker safety. To help employers address the risks of cannabis in the workplace, NSC encourages business leaders to take key actions that include:
1. Establishing a clear, fair cannabis policy that prevents impairment in the workplace and provides support for employees
2. Building a safety-focused, trusting culture for employees to report cannabis use in the workplace
3. Advocating for increased access to employee assistance programs (EAPs) and health care benefits for those with substance use disorders
4. Training supervisors to recognize and respond to impairment in the workplace; learn more about NSC training at
See additional NSC recommendations for employers to address cannabis in the workplace.
...Sergeant Mole' continued to negotiate with Smoot for approximately two hours. During this time, Smoot said he planned to smoke a "blunt," a marijuana cigarette. Sergeant Mole', reluctant to allow an armed and barricaded subject to impair his mental state, asked Smoot to refrain. Sergeant Mole' promised Smoot that if he disarmed and peacefully surrendered, he would be allowed to smoke the blunt.
Smoot then dropped his gun, handcuffed himself, and surrendered to Sergeant Mole' in the apartment. Still in handcuffs, Smoot asked for his pack of legal tobacco cigarettes and lighter, which were on a nearby table, and Sergeant Mole' handed those items to him. Smoot then pulled a marijuana blunt from behind his ear, lit it with the lighter, and smoked approximately half of it....
...We acknowledge North Carolina's general policy of at-will employment, long established in common law. We do not hold that Durham could not terminate Sergeant Mole' based on the conduct at issue, or that Durham could not terminate Sergeant Mole' without cause. Given the stage of proceedings, "we express no opinion on the ultimate viability of [Sergeant Mole']s claim." Like the Supreme Court in Tully, "we [do] not speculate regarding whether [Sergeant Mole'] would [not have been terminated] had [Durham] followed its own [disciplinary] policy." At this early stage of litigation, we do not address whether Sergeant Mole' must be reinstated or what relief must be afforded to him should he prevail, as "t will be a matter for the trial judge to craft the necessary relief." We only hold that Durham must follow its own disciplinary procedures—created to protect its legitimate governmental interest in treating city employees fairly—in discharging Sergeant Mole'. If the evidence shows that Durham failed to do so and that Sergeant Mole' was harmed by that failure, Article I, Section 1 of our Constitution provides a remedy….
Billy should have known not to fuck around in Dubai... their tolerance, or lack thereof, is known worldwide.
Can't tell if You're "Impaired"
Quick saliva test can reveal cannabis use over the past 12 hours
A sample of saliva placed on a strip and analysed with a smartphone camera can reveal if a person has ingested cannabis in the past 12
Hopefully this will replace other more intrusive tests and discourage people from diving while under the influence!
Good point.If a positive test by itself is treated as proof of DUI I think that’s a real problem.
Good point.
I'm not aware of a huge problem with impaired weed heads behind the wheel. It certainly could be dangerous under the right circumstances, especially with a rookie user, but probably only for a few minutes or a half an hour. Hopefully most policemen will only test folks when there is a genuine cause. Also, hopefully the penalty will be less severe than DUI based solely on a test becauseI I enjoy occasional puffs on long drives (and short drives). Routine testing after accidents could also be a problem.
I think if any Texan resident is going to take offence at somebody saying "Texas is shit" (jk lol), then good luck to them in the modern world!Apologies to Texans, but that state is getting worse and worse by the second...not that my state of Florida is any better least we have medical.
My home state of Texas is definitely having issues, but the entire country could be in trouble if free and fair federal elections are a thing of the past.Apologies to Texans, but that state is getting worse and worse by the second...