Just the "states" threads? I frequent several that might qualify but I would prefer to have the "For anyone interested in medical cannabis news from Florida" remain separate since I live in Florida and don't want to search or sift through a thread for the Florida specific posts.
Well, that thread does exist in the Medical discussion Forum. This general cannabis news thread in no way affects the thread topics in the Medical forum. I see no conflict. I don't frequent the Medical forum so unless the post's OP crossposts the link back to the Cannabis News thread, I'll just miss that particular article.
Here's the FL Medical thread if interested:
So, I was thinking about a poll setup. I don't know if there really is a poll to be had. If we were to go with 50 separate state threads ... apart from a Canada thread ... it wouldn't be fair to other members to lump them into categories like EU, etc. because someone in France may not care about what's happening in Spain or someone in UK doesn't about Portugal. (Lousy analogies I know, but you get the drift.) All I can think of is, if we have separate Country & State threads, the OPs can crosspost/link their posts 'back' to the Cannabis News, but 'only if' they think the article has general value. So the onus is dependent on the members being vigilante in remembering to cross post back to the CN thread. And, it would be great if everyone remembers to put the region as the 1st line of the pist [i.e. EU, FR(ance), NY, FL, etc. (but don't forget to differntiate between CA & CA.

)] Or even how about using the flag smilies as the 1st post entry. This is the best, & maybe only, alternative I can think of.
EDITED to add: I just thought of something that would keep the thread clutter down. How about if ALL individual State/Country news/posts are relegated to only '1' thread. Right now for CA on the OG FC, there are several small or med. threads that can be incorporated into 1 thread. But this, too, will fall on the members to be cognizant of. Now, of course if they're stoned, all bets are off.

Feedback guys?
@Stu, if you desire, take a look at my above post, then this post & then
@Vapor Eyes post below. Any suggestions for keeping us decluttered/consolidated/organized? Or is it a losing battle.