Just a dude
Sorry @Skunkport don’t know what to tell ya man, I was high...lol! Today it’s clear? Thanks for the link! 

That's a nice and refreshing story. I do strongly believe that using cannabis is a strong protection against age related mental disease. I think there is evidence of it being anti- Alzheimer's.We're all high lol, told my mum about this and...now she has my Fury 2 with a set of loaded capsules to see if it helps her. 76 years old and vaping her first weed tonight![]()
......................................................76 years old and vaping her first weed tonight![]()
@dannydroid I think they will because the .gov statement says, 'The new law will not limit the types of conditions that can be considered for treatment'
I’ll definitely qualify no problem, I’ve been through the NHS pain program at Addenbrookes and have 3 diagnoses for chronic chronic conditions. I’m having a big spinal surgery next month and after that’s over I’ll begin in earnest to see what is available or how to get a licence. I have no interest in synthetic medicinal compounds or isolated cannabinols though, and hope that this isn’t what they’re prescribing.
I’m trying not to get too excited or be too optimistic about this situation because the UK governmental bodies seems so strangely afraid and reluctant to even consider the benefits of medical cannabis. It’s like they cannot admit that they were either somehow wrong before or just slinging bullshit. Even now, like @dannydroid says they’re still trying to demonise “skunk” which is basically anything besides larfy dirt weed. These fuckers do my head in! I don’t want them telling me that low grade shit is medicine.
Why indeedWTF? It's been on open sale for decades, why does anyone bother reading the Mail?
Dont let blair and brown stop u from viting for jezza! He consistently voted against everyone of their policies. Really a vote for jc is a vote against the neoliberal ideologys of blair, brown and cameron.
Haha, first- Shame them! THEN- Name them! Maybe even an award for the most re-perceived villains haha.UK advised to recruit former drug dealers if marijuana is legalised
Former drug dealers should be recruited and trained to produce safe, legal cannabis if the UK decides to legalise marijuana, the head of an American programme overseeing the sale of the narcotic has urged.
The Commissioner in charge of legal cannabis sales in Massachusetts has said Britain should follow her state’s example of recruiting ex-drug dealers and people from communities involved in what was once the underground market for marijuana.
Haha, first- Shame them! THEN- Name them! Maybe even an award for the most re-perceived villains haha.
And it makes all the more sense as we move forward in increments, how the government were understandably concerned about holding face and credibility in light of such hypocrisy, to change their tune so much.They should all look into opportunities for those who were unfairly marginalized or outcast through years of punitive policies.
Reversing the decades of propaganda that you are unfit to work, socialize, drive or travel if you dabbled with satan's medicine in any form in your past!![]()