Herb gardener...
which it would be since I don't pay for a TV licence. I refuse to fund the BBC because they're shit.
Right with you there.. i would happily do away with bbc and not have to pay...
which it would be since I don't pay for a TV licence. I refuse to fund the BBC because they're shit.
Well I cant get clarity right now on the original airing date. There seem to be different subjects for the same episode series 6 episode 1 which makes no sense. All aired this year though that I have seen?Our government hasn't had any credibility for decades and the idiots stupid or fanatical enough to still believe in any of them are just going to ignore contradictory facts like they've been doing for years
Also, I'm not sure where you watched it, but that was shown Monday the 4th of September last year, it's not a new program.
I haven't watched it and I'm never ever going to unless it shows up somewhere else, channel 4 wants me to register!![]()
Nope, I don't register to break the law thanks, which it would be since I don't pay for a TV licence. I refuse to fund the BBC because they're shit.
It says it's about Wiltshire police and joyriders, plus it's by channel 4 who aren't ran by the government so I'm really not sure how it's connected to legalization anyway, is there a summary anywhere?
Bro you're dead right sorry for the confusion. I was confused myself trus! I have a very comoromised level of brain function so please bear with me at times.I'm guessing it was episode 3 that you meant to show us, the link took me to episode 6 which confused me!
It was mentioned on leafly I noticed, it happened from the 4th to 7th of June, the full notes are available here
It's really dry reading though. Little summary here
If it was during that programme that the government said 'next year' then the programme was from last year. I'm not sure how you're checking, but remember that it is On Demand, so people could have watched it any time since the first airing.
I'm not even sure your link took me to the right programme, I found the list on Wikipedia though:-'s_Your_Emergency?
Episode Broadcast Date Episode Summary Total viewers
(millions) Channel 4
weekly rank
1 24 July 2017 Immigrants & Hate Crime 1.83 5
2 31 July 2017 Young Men 2.22 5
3 7 August 2017 Drugs 1.81 5
4 14 August 2017 Vigilante Justice 1.78 7
5 28 August 2017 Burglary 2.19 5
6 4 September 2017 Children & Parenting 2.40 7
7 30 October 2017 Sex Crime TBD TBD
8 6 November 2017 Squaddies TBD TBD
9 13 November 2017 Homelessness TBD TBD
10 27 November 2017 The Elderly TBD TBD
11 05 December 2017 Mental Health & Workplace Stress TBD TBD
12 11 December 2017 Under 18's TBD TBD
I'm guessing it was episode 3 that you meant to show us, the link took me to episode 6 which confused me!
It was mentioned on leafly I noticed, it happened from the 4th to 7th of June, the full notes are available here
It's really dry reading though. Little summary here
If it was during that programme that the government said 'next year' then the programme was from last year. I'm not sure how you're checking, but remember that it is On Demand, so people could have watched it any time since the first airing.
I'm not even sure your link took me to the right programme, I found the list on Wikipedia though:-'s_Your_Emergency?
Episode Broadcast Date Episode Summary Total viewers
(millions) Channel 4
weekly rank
1 24 July 2017 Immigrants & Hate Crime 1.83 5
2 31 July 2017 Young Men 2.22 5
3 7 August 2017 Drugs 1.81 5
4 14 August 2017 Vigilante Justice 1.78 7
5 28 August 2017 Burglary 2.19 5
6 4 September 2017 Children & Parenting 2.40 7
7 30 October 2017 Sex Crime TBD TBD
8 6 November 2017 Squaddies TBD TBD
9 13 November 2017 Homelessness TBD TBD
10 27 November 2017 The Elderly TBD TBD
11 05 December 2017 Mental Health & Workplace Stress TBD TBD
12 11 December 2017 Under 18's TBD TBD
I'm guessing it was episode 3 that you meant to show us, the link took me to episode 6 which confused me!
Thanks Greenhopper, I have been awfully confused over this simple matter. I do vape too much but it is mostly mental and visual impairment, memory and concentration difficulties.Looking at that wiki listing it only goes up to season 4. Episode 3 of season 4 is about harder drugs like crack cocaine.
I think the episode @Alexis was referring to was Season 6 Episode 4.
Stream Link for those that don't like registrations. (URL Checked and cleared by trend micro)
I would like something from the NHS because what i have is uncurable and based from anxiety and noise i cannot escape that but i noticed recently and side effect of vaping is possible hernia and coughing and straining both vaping and pooing. But the quality is so poor cooking is not strong enough i shortly plan to press them on high oral doses of CBD or THC because all i got offered was the junk placebo SSRI which i chucked in the bin. So for 7 years ive been having to basically pay for my own medicine while everyone else raids the NHS for operations and pills.
I cannot use opiods all my life and if you google hyperacusis you will see its currently untreatable and you get no help at all that does not harm the body or maybe even make you sick or infertile or suicidal in the case of prozac.
I really cant see this happening anyway. I mean, they would only be shooting themselves in the foot. I can see them trying it but to me they are just being stupid and wasting everybodies time for nothing.15% thc limit, do you think you could live with that? I probably could.
Maybe one could slug it out with a rosin forge if you needed a bigger kick!
I agree, a THC limit is unenforceable.It doesn't matter what limits they put on it really, as long as we can grow our own they don't matter.
How is a cannabis product legal while raw cannabis will get your home raided and your liberty taken away.
Haha, then you need to very quickly take one HUGE dab!I need a huge press to quickly squish everything i have in the time it takes them to knock the door down, and devistate my life for a harmless plant...
I need a huge press to quickly squish everything i have in the time it takes them to knock the door down, and devistate my life for a harmless plant...
the grossest of gross hypocrisyUK #1 world producer of cannabis while shcedule 1 at home which is no medicinal value?
Because people like myself live in daily fear of my door being kicked down and if it does thats my life and travel rights over
Unless you've got a serious shitload, relax a bit.
I know 3 people local to me who've been caught growing, none of them got more than a caution and a fine, the worst case got hammered for rigging the electric meter more than growing weed.
That was one guy with a 4x8 tent and 6 plants, one guy with a full room and 12 plants, one guy with a 2 room shop converted into 2 grow rooms, no idea how many plants he had total but quite a lot more than the 9 plant 'personal limit'.
Rodders really sorry for all your pain and hardship man. I feel you on the germs and not letting people touch your stuff. I am the same. However my OCD is not irrational or over-exagerrated, in an out of proportion sense.Well since i had trauma ive been in a rented home so i lose that first due to my tennancy agreement. Second is the sheer trauma and dirty conditions made me develop severe ocd i cant touch anything dirty without a bath and i cant wont let anyone touch my items. So when they take all my stuff away or touch vapes glass come into the room i wont cant mentally ever get past the feeling of dread and i guess the ruined feeling is so severe its like so overwhelming i think i would have to just end my life after they leave the house because i could never get my posessions back in the condition they would be before pigs look every nook and cranny in your home. And i would not want them back after the search either so i lose everything i built up in life until now.
So for me its a massive invasion of my property. even the raid for me is a death sentance but so is the daily stress without taking such a risk. It sounds crazy but stress can do scary things.
But im sure people out there can imagine where these fears come from. Any vegetarians in the house? Ok well those policemen just had a nice greasy steak or burger... did not wash thier hands and soon they will be coming to your home to handle anything they can in a search. Now this is the kind of choice and fear i have. Risk the above or keep giving all my money away to street criminals!