These is the kind I like.
Unluckily this store don’t carry 18male to 18female dropdown at the moment.
But there are several others that do.
There’s so many options that most of them are the WRONG ONES imho & e

Remember many of these online stores sell these small items by bulk, sometimes 10 minimum orders.
That’s why I always recommend taking your clean rig and clean NV FP bowls to your local hookah/cheap import/kratom/tobacco e-juice/silicon bongs heady shop chain, mostly owned by non vaping, non cannabis related, characters in the paraphernalia world.
When you’re there, you could measure for tolerance and wobbling of joints and angles. Most of the times, the “male part” joint, connecting the dropdown to the rig, is the one causing the problems.
Open my favorite app! Don't wait to get more surprises:
You’ll need to ask same store that sells those drop downs, to sell you these ones, if you own an 18female jointed rig...
Unluckily these little items are sold by bulk, minimum quantities, unless as I noted before, you contact same seller that you’re buying more items from, and arrange a “special order”.
Remember there are lots of cultural and language barriers.
This link is the cheapest I found for these adapters, it’s better 10(18m-14f) x $1.4= $14
than 3(18-14) x $3.33= $9.99
Open my favorite app! Don't wait to get more surprises:
This is a photo of my most used adapters and drop downs. It’s been a time I don’t buy new ones.
Since I’ve broken some of my favorites, I’d need to go on a local head shop tour again, and pick some 14male to 18female dropdowns, my favorites

With a Milaana long stem, and an extended 14m to 18f, and a keck clip...

I adapted this OG FC Bubbler to work again...

This 18m to 14f is at the moment the most used dropdown of the 3 left I have.
It’s the best fitting and versatile of the 3, over the universal 14/18m to 14/18m, and the universal 14/18f to 14/18f dropdowns, those 14/18 universal dropdowns are the worst in QC, totally wobblers and foul shaped at joints and welds.
This one only fits OFG FC Bubbler.
Möbius Matrix wouldn’t accept this dropdown.

Here’s a heavy used photo of the U14/18m to U14/18m dropdown. It only works directly on the OG FC Bubbler.
OG Möbius Matrix wouldn’t accept this dropdown due to the short clearance in the rig side joint.

Here’s a video showing which dropdown fits which rig and so...
here’s a video showing how a local head shop 18m-14m works as a cheap DynaCrap rig adaptor or could work as a momentary mouthpiece or stem too...
here’s a video of a DynaCrap hit with that adapter.
I don’t post at that thread, because I don’t support DynaCraps.
Never use them, I’d only recommend them as a “tryout starter for vaping beginners”, if they don’t like it, they can gift it, resell it, or use it as an “old school one hit bat of combustion”.
At a closer look, you can see that white thick full conduction style vapor, that tends to dirt the rigs and water faster.
The diluted cranberry extract solution will help keeping, even conduction vaping used rigs too!!!
this is the cheapest biggest bottle of “pure unsweetened cranberry extract bottle” I found at Amazon. Perhaps you can find better or cheaper.
Distilled water gallons go as cheap as $1 dollar at your Walmart/Costco or very big corporate megamarket.
You can totally drink distilled water, but it’s NOT recommended long term.
Save it for your bong water.
Distilled water I believe it’s just the most “ethereal”

water for bong vaping water.
Get a secondary dropper if available, or premix some 5mL(small child Tylenol syringe) with around 15-20mL of distilled water.
Then drop at least 5 mL of that diluted mix of distilled water/cranberry extract into the distilled water already filling your rig.
Water in your rig will look like a light pinkish or dirty diluted tea, depends on the quality and cranberry extract age.
I bought my cranberry extract by bulk like a good 5 years ago.
They are supposedly “expired” a good few years ago.
I’ve drink the diluted solution, and it’s definitely something that even fresh you’ll NOT want to drink.
Unsweetened diluted cranberry extract isn’t an aged Merlot

Stay vaped.
Mantente de la mente!!!
Swisse Ultiboost Super Potent Cranberry Concentrate Liquid Supplement | Urinary Tract Health Support, Antioxidant Rich | Naturally Sweetened with No Added Sugar | 300 Ml, 10.1 Fl. Oz