I don’t think I could do away with the natural heat patina of the heads! Though your Vrod looks

. I’d probably do a bowl or carb. I’m glad your here
@RedEyeFlightControl. I’d like to see and hear more about what you are up to.
I'm on FC, usually in the VapCap IH dev threads. I also do quite a bit of anodization with Dynavap's line of titanium hardware. I'm a nerd's nerd, a multidisciplinary scientist of sorts, and have a strong desire to curate the rare and exotic, the performant, and the artisan crafted high end vapes. I have bad VAS and a worse customization addiction.
I currently work with firmware, microcontrollers, Induction and circuits, resistive heaters, glass, wood, lasers, saws, 3d printers, lathes, sandblasters, ... all sorts of goodies!
What is an “Entgineer”?
An Ent Engineer
Hey!! I couldn't remember if I had seen you on here before or not. Hope you don't mind me sharing but I thought it was pretty unique and awesome
Glad you like it! I'm happy to see my artwork featured by others! It brings great joy to know others enjoy and appreciate the time it takes to produce this stuff. There's a few hours of labor in just the VROD for the prep and dunk. Probably another hour in the Summit Quiver behind it, too.... feel free to check my insta, it is where most of my
public releases go, first.
I'd love to work a deal with NV to do some small batches but I'm not sure it's possible at this time, so for now I'm taking commissions. I'll have a web store up at some time as well which will offer a gallery of whatever flavor is fresh.