Damn dude. I don't understand where the offense came from. I was just saying that though I like it the way it is, if you like it modded the way you described, then that's good if it works for you. My apologies if that offended you. That was not the intention.
That was a positive comment. Nothing snarky there. Where I come from that phrase is not a negative comment, but a positive comment that basically means "your preference may not be my preference, but I support your preference".
Furthermore, I assumed that if you posted a comment in a public forum like this, then it was open for other people to reply to and express their opinions. Also, you posted that right after I made a comment about my recently acquiring my new loading tool. So......
He has an unfortunate propensity to TOTALLY TOTALLY misread some shit, blow it up into this fantastical, imaginary, doll-balloon, fully out of the context of the actual situation reality, and somehow convince himself that his life has been threatened, cattle stolen, farm house burnt to the ground.....
Which justifies vengeful, spiteful bitterness and hostility, aimed with a catapult.
All totally uncalled for of course. And I have to say- time...and time...again!
It is what we call delusional. That is one side to it, some are more prone to delusion than others.
But then....some people just have a very nasty streak of hatred and bitterness running through them for whatever reason.
I still feel it is important we try and keep our hearts open to such individuals, although while with some people there is pain and need for deep emotional healing as the thorn in the paw, I do also believe sadly that some people are just evil and bitter at heart.
Me....well I'm just an observer and a philosopher, if that isn't clear by now. Oh yeah, and a comedian!