I hope everyone had a wonderful 710. No concentrates here.

Anyhow, I spent the day exploring the capabilities of my new Weedeater.

I love my Vrod and I hope it’s multifunctional uses will be available to me in the future but If I only had a WE everything would be all good. Though using the two in unison to temp step is amazing and very nice luxury. Thanks again,
@Zangano Cruel!
The WE seems easier to fine tune for flower. Duh

. The more open diffuser design and the extra center hole is perfect. Capped and uncapped work so well I’m not sure which way I like better.
I also picked up a 25mm ti dish from NV. Before everyone jumps on me.... I understand that for most this is less than desirable. I’ve heard of the SiC dish breaking and I wanted a stronger option until I need my SiC dish. It feels indestructible now and function seems the same. I’m hopeful it will look pretty sweet once the patina sets in.
Now if I can just find a Showerhead for my collection.