Cannabis Hardware (formerly NewVape) FlowerPot Twax Vaporizer




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670F seems to be a bit too high for a full bowl of flower with dnail wrap around + carb cap. By the time it was finished it looked like it was about 10 degrees off from combusting, dark dark brown! It was nice for much smaller bowls though. Meds working extremely well tho at these max temps and the first two hits were probably tastier than any other bowls I've done besides the convection wax inside the FP.


hotboxing the cockpit
So excited - now all I need is a Ti LolliCap

You want a specific lollicap? This one will work with the other dishes just fine! No need for 2 seperate caps now!
(instead have 3!!)

Meds working extremely well tho at these max temps and the first two hits were probably tastier than any other bowls

I also notice better taste on the first hits at higher temps than I do at lower temps. How...? Not really sure. :hmm:

Chicken #420

I and I be Irie Vaping with U and U in Zion, mon!
You want a specific lollicap? This one will work with the other dishes just fine! No need for 2 seperate caps now!
(instead have 3!

Yes. My LolliCap is indispensible as an anti-blowback bowl cover. I have not yet seen the new PagodaCap, but until mine gets here I'm going to assume that it won't just sit on top of a bowl without tipping over (waiting until I get back to it), like the LolliCap does. I still thirst for a Titanium LolliCap... ;)


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Here's the TI showercap-2 upgrade for existing showercap customers. This offer will expire 10-28.
Cap only no dabber. I've been told it feels to light for a NV part and might be perceived as a cheap import. Well it's light because it's titanium and it's what the FC forum asked for.

Ordered and THANK YOU!!! Can’t wait to get it. I’m stoked it’s going to be so much lighter and being able to use one cap for the showerhead and SiC dish is awesome!!! Now we’ll be able to preheat the carb cap before dabbing for some LOW temp dabbing!! :tup::clap::bowdown:


I also notice better taste on the first hits at higher temps than I do at lower temps. How...? Not really sure. :hmm:

Yeah, some of the higher temp flavors can still be really good! :p

You ever hit really good flower through a mediocre conduction vape and get those strange muted half-flavors from an initial "flavor hit" without any real visible vapor?

The Flowerpot is like the exact opposite of that. :D


Seeking Higher Ground
NON STICK BOWLS are one day closer to reality. I'm going to change the exterior to add some additional styling. But this proves out the concept of the 2 piece bowl. Not sure I'm liking the multiple groves. The concept bowl is .200" deeper same dia. This is just a proof of concept there's no plans to replace or alter any current designs. I left the hot showerhead on top of the bowl for 10 min and shows no sign of sticking.



Well-Known Member
White death, good grief lol. Why is one labeled flowers but the other hybrid? Is the hybrid some kief dusted or hybrid cultivar? I see the mighty there so I'm sure you'll enjoy!
Lol. Yeah apparently it's potent stuff. Mix of White Widow and Death Bubba I think.
I'm not sure why it says "flowers" there. But it's an Indica!


hotboxing the cockpit
That two-piece bowl is brilliant and I think I agree about not liking the multiple grooves. Multiple grooves would be a pain-in-the-ass using screens like the errlectric Ti double weave screens.

+1 - I like the single groove. Sturdy screens like the errlectric ones will stay where you put them, the groove is definitely nice for the "full bowl" though.

I'm not sure how others feel but I like the depth ol stubby has... Not sure if you were going to keep the current bowl depth or what but my opinion is my own and I'd rather others confirm!


In case its useful to anyone, I just took some more 'air temp' readings below the load, with a 0.2 in the bowl. K type probe digital thermometer.

All readings taken at a controller setting of 560f (just cos it seems to be my 'choke' cut off point atm to stop any lung complaints after hitting the SH all day, most days), by shoving the probe through the handle hole and sealing around it with silicon, me holding it in place.

Taken my choice of controller temp, I find my readings interesting. These readings are obviously affected by glass, and amount of water, and personal lungs, etc etc etc! :) I was trying to top the temp out at all times. Needed a break tho! :) I'll probably check these findings again tomorrow, see how much variation there is to these readings.:

Uncapped - fast draw, starts around 270f, tops out about 300f. A moderate to slow draw I managed to get up to around 400f.

Capped - fast draw, started around 400, topped out around 420. Slow draw, 370f to 400f, I was inhaling for quite a while to get the slow draw to top out tho, ran out of breath in the end.


Seeking Higher Ground
I was just messing around with my old HE threaded dabbers and 'voila' they work perfectly with the New Vapes shower cap threads. Well, it looks like I have more functional dabber options than I thought (duh). The main difference is the HE dabbers are 3 inches instead of 4 inches like the New Vape dabbers.

yea but HE won't work with the stand


Well-Known Member
NON STICK BOWLS are one day closer to reality. I'm going to change the exterior to add some additional styling. But this proves out the concept of the 2 piece bowl. Not sure I'm liking the multiple groves. The concept bowl is .200" deeper same dia. This is just a proof of concept there's no plans to replace or alter any current designs. I left the hot showerhead on top of the bowl for 10 min and shows no sign of sticking.

Edwyn - is the concept that when you want to empty the bowl, you unscrew it and lift if off of the base which is left in the glass or is it that you can lift both off because the base won't expand given the design??

Also, I'm with you....don't need extra grooves, IMO, but others may differ.

@emmdeemo - I have a K-type TC thermometer but it does certainly take a while for it to get to temp....not super responsive. How do you keep constant airflow going until the TC stablizes at temp?


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Just tried a combo in FP, 0.1gr flower and about half dab of wax on top. Flavor was very full! Vapor lasted about the same # of hits as a full bowl of flower. This will help stretch the flowers out! Nice flavor out to about 3 hits then it disappears. Flower bowl still seems to have flavor beat by 1 more hit. Flower power :leaf:


@emmdeemo - I have a K-type TC thermometer but it does certainly take a while for it to get to temp....not super responsive. How do you keep constant airflow going until the TC stablizes at temp?

Holding it there as long as I can, and inhaling as long as I can! I have quite a long inhale tbf, so its useful :) Its a bare wire in the air path, seeing how the numbers bounce around, and getting an idea of where it is. Trying to make sure the probe wire is only in the air path and not touching the metal of the bowl or screen, but its unlikely Im not hitting them at times.

Its all very inaccurate and FWIW, but I've been using the same k type probe to measure air temps in my house as Im in the process of getting rid of some crazy drafts, freezing air, and trying to get the ambient temp up to 'normal' with draft proofing and insulating. I've got thermometers all over the house that I'm cross referencing, and I can tell from flower results, in my lungs/abv etc roughly where I'm at. And shoving the probe under my tongue (I know thats not air temp but just cross referencing temps :D ).

That being said, its still all FWIW, and a pinch of salt. Not the healthiest of 'science' diet. I should check dish temp as well to see if it corollates to others readings at 560f. Edit coming up...

EDIT: Dish temp tops out about 500f, and stayed around there most of the time, dropped to about 460f I think? Was more paying attention to the top temp it stayed at most.
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