So for now it keeps the name "Showercap"? I do hope so, without invalidating the dual usage aspect. Showercap is just such a neat little word, one that I think we are all happy to say, and type, over and over.
Twaxcap was an excellent suggestion, but it really wasn't appropriate to me. A bit too fanciful.
So thrilled you are so thrilled Biohacker, but1 I- honestly expected nothing otherwise. I knew how good this vape was just by subconsciously analysing the ceaseless empahatic reviews and impressions. The OVERWHELMING DATA simply doesn't lie in this case!

Sure people will have their favorites and biases, and there will always be fanboys....

But there is just SO much smoke here there is obviously a gigantic fire at the heart of it.
New day here (midday). Steam now, then medicine for the day. Day 13 of 30 today. Its going EXTREMELY well now that the worst of the die off has subsided. I even cheated last night and vaped 2 bowls in vapcap and bubbler after 2 good edible doses yesterday..
And I loved the high I got. I did 6 days no vapor last week- 2 bowls on Sunday, but chest was so bad from lung treatments, Monday was a bad day. Last night the vapor went down as well as ever and Im really quite happy with my chest this morning from the vapor. But my tolerance has definitely dropped nicely from the vapor break, even with ongoing edible use and no actual days off.
So it is all looking good. The only real downdside is the nerve injury has been very aggravated after I decided I had to also try treating my sinus infections with the electrifier last week.
Sinus infections were just getting back in my throat and lungs continuosly. I had held off applying the pads to my cheeks as I knew it would aggravate the nervevinjury much more, and possible de-stabilise it after a LONG time to get to a point recently where I can start treating my lungs and throat directly.
This is exactly what seemed to happen, and the problem has been a lot worse since. I won't be treating my sinuses again, and my vision has been heavily affected since sending me into pretty bad depression for a week. It will simply improve again in the same linear fashion and time frame.
But I may have to stop the electricity treatments again for several months for this to happen as I did before. The treatments were only exacerbating the symptoms, not actually reversing or preventing gradual ongoing healing.
That may have changed now, but hoping not. These treatments are the only way I see myself being able to beat these respiratory infections once and for all and I will need to persevere with it, especially each time there is a re-infection. If I have to stop the treatments for a while it won't be the end of the world but will certainly be moving the clock back and leaving the door open to the winter of illnesses, unless I can keep going to make enough progress first that I'm in a much stronger position immune function wise. Kind of thinking this is what I have to do for the moment.
So progress is excellent. Prognosis is looking very good. The last two days I have begun to feel unbelievably well, though still suffering with symptoms and die off.
Just the damned nerve injury and complications relating to the treatment I need to continue with. It has become exceptionally hard to read again.
Sorry people I just naturally had to get this off my chest. I have this chip built into me which makes me wants to come clean with whatever is on my mind, good or bad, but I ALWAYS try and put a positivd spin on it.
Trying so hard to stay strong and positive now, just hoping the nerve problem hasn't been de-stabilised too much so I can carry on with the treatments I need to. That is my utmost concern at the moment. I was feeling totally relaxed about it before the sinus treatment last week.
Fingers crossed!
Meanwhile, the rest of my mind is fixed on the Flowerpot, very excited but calm and patient as well. Day at a time (still can't wait though!)
Come on November!

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