Tongue in cheek comment I know I know...
But regardless- don't sell yourself short man. I know for sure your views and inputs are appreciated by ALL here, certainly by me! Keep all the great feedback and reports coming man, hesitate to share nothing (or everything).
@emmdeemo I believe you're advanced techniques are a bit ahead of the rest of the group here. I find your testing, experimentation, and reporting very helpful & useful. Please know that your contribution here is greatly appreciated. I consider you a pioneer that's not afraid of uncharted waters. Thank you.
I think we live on the same vapelength! I go by the whistle to keep consistancy of hits, always get repeatable results =) I wholeheartedly agree with @NewVape710 you're contributions are extremely helpful and important!
I completely missed these comments somehow.
Thanks muchly, folks!
I wonder when these FP discoveries will stop. I've been up at 900, down at 450. When will we be masters of our domain!?
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