Cannabis Hardware (formerly NewVape) FlowerPot Twax Vaporizer

Chicken #420

I and I be Irie Vaping with U and U in Zion, mon!
Hey Edwyn,
Just a quick question...
Is NewVape ever planning to release a Titanium version of the two carb caps (LolliCap, ShowerCap) at any point in the future? I'd personally buy at least the LolliCap version if it was available in Ti... and didn't cost too big of a fortune. ;)


Well-Known Member
I don't know how anyone could not love this company. It takes everyone else 2-3 years to re-coup R&D and tooling costs to make any revisions, and even then, good luck seeing the improvements you've been wishing for. Not NewVape. Absolutely crushing speed to market perceptions in this industry.
Not just that but you know for sure that if they changed something and it didn't work out for the better, they will either change it back or better still, come up with an even more perfect solution.
Unfortunately I can't realistically envisage myself becoming a flowerpots user in the very near future- I dearly would love to believe me, but I would need some more insurance I will be able to tolerate the vaporizer first. And I would love to be involved in this thread directly, it's one of my favourite if not favourite threads right now, for the sheer enthusiasm and pure, guilt free enjoyment!

Anyhow I can really appreciate and admire what Newvape are doing and how. Serioysly impressive, everybody wins!


hotboxing the cockpit
Damn! That CS! I emailed newvape about my handle breaking this morning before I went to work (and also asked if I could get invoiced for a fine grinder, figured I'd save them the postage)

Didn't hear anything... then come home and post here after seeing the new handles... I guess someone saw... and now I see a shipping label created for me out of NVs shipping location on the USPS dashboard... Unreal!

But let me save you the postage! And send me a new handle too please!! Send me an invoice mate :)


Honi soit qui mal y pense
Unfortunately I can't realistically envisage myself becoming a flowerpots user in the very near future- I dearly would love to believe me, but I would need some more insurance I will be able to tolerate the vaporizer first.

Fuck all your allergic reactions, bro! I'm so sorry watching all your health troubles while testing nearly all of these amazing vapes. Can understand that you don't want to buy a new device without knowing whether your health can stand it.

is there really nobody from the UK who is willing to loan his FP to @Alexis??

I think it will need a few months yet until I get my FP. If you shouldn't have had opportunity to test a FP up to then I'll send you mine to the UK as a loan.
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Well-Known Member
If I don't have had the flowerpot for much longer @Hogni i would gladly loan it out to @Alexis as I'm in the uk and Bedford ain't to far to send it. However I'm still working thru the experimental stages of addding and taking away heat, draw technique etc literally had my second go on the device last night.

Speaking of which last night I tried
625f - used some greenhouse grown auto duck, not overly resinous but very flavourful after very little cure. This worked well but was still a bit thin, excellent flavour, very smooth.

650f - same herb which produced more vapour but lost some flavour.

675f - same herb but I added some bubble on top of the herb. Great vapour but lost much to much flavour.

So I'm happy to continue between 610-640f to find that sweet spot. 600 was much to low so 610 might just tip the scales but I think closer to 635-640 is going to be nigh on perfect. Doesn't help the herb ain't to good but it's decent enough to drill down the numbers :D


Honi soit qui mal y pense
Very nice offer! Remember it when you'll have done your testing :myday:

I would like so much to hear from Alexis "Awesome device - and it works for my health!! Ordered!!" (or something else in right english ;))

If not we have to wait for someone with the Glass Symphony in the UK.....

@Alexis, do you already have a controller wtih coil(s)?
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Well-Known Member
@Hogni , thanks very kindly for your warm concerns and wishes to help, really appreciate your support and sensitivity on all matters!
And @anasrzi that is a very kind idea to even propose such a generous endeavour could be on the cards.

However, there is really no crisis for the moment. I have vaporizers that wotk for me and have a lot of stuff to be working on in life currently, so my VAS is more of an obsession than a necessity. Something to look forward to, get excited about considering possibilties.

And the grass is always greener, although it seems that for the very happy Flowerpot users it seems to stay green!
To tell the truth, if my health was better and my allergies didn't prevent me from being able to go out and travel, I would be asking all UK FP owners about the possibility of arranging a visit where I could just turn up for a brief try of the FP, at the total convenience of the owner.

Hell, if I can cure my problems tommorrow I will be on that one. Im doing a series of electricity treatments to try and clear my lungs of LONG running multiple infections. The treatment is tough as there is such intense die off, and I am always getting new infections as fast as I can clear them.

But I am determined and will persevere. The only real problem with the electricity treatments is that I used the device incorrectly February 2016 when I first got it, and this caused the injury to my optic nerve. Ever since then, using the treatment sets back the healing of the nerve injury, turning the clock back. It always heals again in the same time frame, like paint drying, but each electricity treatment sets it back, affecting my vision and mental ability, especially ability to read, understand and remember and to learn about new things.

It also takes away the visual enjoyment factor and makes using eyes and being conscious an uncomfortable experience. This is only relevant because I dont see any chance to clear my infections without this treatment. Electricity is the absolute KING at killing infection. It is safe as hell as long as you dont misuse it stupidly like me.
I have decided to push for it to get to a much better position, then the nerve injury can continue its healing from there. It always improves each time, with time.
My VAS gives me an outlet and keeps me going, man do I so look forward to vaping!

Thanks again @Hogni , you are very kind, but hey don't feel bad for me not tolerating all the vaporizers- not my biggest problem! ;) Just an outlet I use to keep me looking forward to the great unknown.

But by hook or by crook, I will certainly be owning one of these top 2 vapes in time, out of the Symphony and Flowerpot. My head says Symphony, my heart says Flowerpot. Ideally I will have both some day!
@anasrzi enjoy your testing and have a fab weekend. If I can work a miracle recovery I may hit you up sometime about the possibility of arranging a brief Fowerpot test, but Im a long way off travel fit currently.

Oh yes @Hogni , no I dont have any coils /controller, so I would be starting from scratch, otherwise I would be much closer to taking a plunge gamble.

Happy Saturday happy FP owners! I wanna see tons of joy and excitement from you all over the weekend!:)
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Well-Known Member
Hey sorry to do this as I feel it's a little rude but- has anyone had their shipment held at boynton and not departed yet? I'm worried that my package got damaged or lost during the storm as I have other packages in florida that are moving to the Miami ISC. Called Newvape and left a message yesterday but I'm just worried atm.

My order got held from the 7th. It arrived today but I'm out of town. Just glad Edwyn and the guys came through it okay.

My previous order with NV resulted in the package being lost by USPS for an extra 3 or 4 days.

I've yet to order from them and there not be some kind of issue but it isn't been things they have done. USPS, their website getting hacked, etc. I'll keep buying their stuff tho. I think I got s good wholesale order for them today at a shop I visited out of town and enlightened them about the FP.


My order got held from the 7th. It arrived today but I'm out of town. Just glad Edwyn and the guys came through it okay.

My previous order with NV resulted in the package being lost by USPS for an extra 3 or 4 days.

I've yet to order from them and there not be some kind of issue but it isn't been things they have done. USPS, their website getting hacked, etc. I'll keep buying their stuff tho. I think I got s good wholesale order for them today at a shop I visited out of town and enlightened them about the FP.

Everyone needs to email/call/visit their favourite vaporiser stockists and ask them to stock the FP. Seems insane to me that Vapefiend, for instance, stocks the Sublimator but no FP.

Hassle em folks! :D


Well-Known Member
I'm sorry to hear of your health concerns once more @Alexis its such a shame that your unable to travel. I understand the need to try before you buy in your situation as I remember (correct me if I'm wrong?) that you brought a supreme on the say so of members here including me and that didn't do you any favours?

So yeah trying before your buying is the best for you I'd say don't wanna keep getting wrong purchases if it can be avoided. Without being to specific can I ask where about in Bedford you are? I'm based in Staffordshire.

After some solid testing last night I've found my sweet spot for oils on the SiC dish about 615-620f amazing flavour , next to no tail off of vapour so my dabbing is sorted :). Now the herb temps, while it does work at 620f its best for micro loads and better still to use the carb cap which is fine.

I need to play with the gauze a little because I find the herb up the sides of the bowl doesn't get baked at that temp so I need to pack it more directly under the five holes, direct centre of the bowl like others have done.


Well-Known Member
I'm sorry to hear of your health concerns once more @Alexis its such a shame that your unable to travel. I understand the need to try before you buy in your situation as I remember (correct me if I'm wrong?) that you brought a supreme on the say so of members here including me and that didn't do you any favours?

So yeah trying before your buying is the best for you I'd say don't wanna keep getting wrong purchases if it can be avoided. Without being to specific can I ask where about in Bedford you are? I'm based in Staffordshire.

After some solid testing last night I've found my sweet spot for oils on the SiC dish about 615-620f amazing flavour , next to no tail off of vapour so my dabbing is sorted :). Now the herb temps, while it does work at 620f its best for micro loads and better still to use the carb cap which is fine.

I need to play with the gauze a little because I find the herb up the sides of the bowl doesn't get baked at that temp so I need to pack it more directly under the five holes, direct centre of the bowl like others have done.
Hey man. Yes you are dead right, I did buy the Supreme. First off though, I really wasn't influenced into a decision by anybody, I simply viewed the evidence and recognised that it was a perfectly good idea!:D
And yes I did become the first ever person to officially report direct adverse effects. I had a genuine and extremely severe allergic reaction to the aluminium material, by whatever mechanism, although some members, being avid Suprme die-hards, wouldnt believe me and insisted it was just the power of the Supreme.
Believe me I am very good at knowing what is affecting me and why, my life and wellbeing depends on it.;)Genuine and severe allergic reactions are unmistakeable.

There is no question it was a true allergic reaction and would be fatal for me quite soon if I continued to use the Supreme- severe throat and lung inflammation and excessive mucus, I was choking half to death suffocating on mucus!

So we parted ways, (making another member very happy in the process :)).
No damage done, and I at least got to try the Supreme and wear the T shirt.
I also tried the Herborizer Ti, seeing as I tolerate the Ti Omnivap with zero reaction to any materials, just to the weed itself.
Sadly the Herbo Ti was too aggravating to my very sensitive lungs. No allergy like the Supreme, but it was impossible for me to use it without suffering too uncomfortably with my chest.

I dont know why exactly. I use the XL Herborizer and tolerate it very well, as long as I dont go too hot. I can blow huge clouds with the XL and be very comfortable, but even weak, wispy hits in the Ti cause too much respiratory discomfort.

Maybe there is some sort of semi (but not exactly) allergenic triggering property to various metals in susceptible people at certain temperatures? Like how the Vriptech crew are so passionate about the "neutral" polarity of the all glass airpath and it's benefits for the respiratiry tract.

There is some simple explanation as to why I had such a reaction to the Ti, even though I have no issue with the Ti vapcap?

It may be a heat thing. The Herbo Ti was hands down the HOTTEST vape I ever used.
But I don't know really. I sold it anyway, no loss- I see no harm in trying new vapes, one at a time, and selling on in top nick if I cant tolerate it well.

So the only 2 vaporizers that I would acquire immediately (if money was no factor) are the Flowerpot and the Glass Symphony.

The Flowerpot has to be quite similar to the Herbo Ti, material and vapor wise, so there is such a strong chance I may have an issue with it. Hence no active plans to buy one unless I tried first.

Speaking of which, @anasrzi , I live in Bedford town itself. Thanks for putting yourself on the map for me, not sure how far Staffordhire is, will have to look.

Sounds like you have plenty of testing to do to find your preference, and it sounds like it could take some time too!

Anyway, having a great sunday! I did numerous electricity treatments on my lungs and throat this week to knock down infection. I have been suffering bad with die off, lungs full of sficky mucus.

But boy has it paid off! I feel so much better today. I really enjoyed my Herborizer earlier. Yesterday my lungs were still so congested from die off, it hurt to vape.
Today it was a painless pleasure, I got high and was so much more comfortable and happy.
Gonna keep going with the treatments, the optic nerve injury isn't TOO bad. I think it is a worthy trade off for now.

Next up is some Vapcap, and maybe, just maybe one day, a Flowerpot!? :tup:
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Well-Known Member
If you fear you are sensitive to certain metals, and believe they may cause a severe type of allergic reaction for you then why would you ever risk using a vape with a lot of metal parts? It seems you may be too willing to relearn lessons you have already learned.

If I sincerely had your suspected problem I would think twice before buying any metal-centric vape.

Then again, it could also be those 12 cats in the room with you that are the true source of this allergy. /s



It isnt quite like that. The aluminium in the Supreme is the only severe allergy, I would never consider using that device again, or similar ones.

I am not afraid of using the Flowerpot or Herbo Ti, there is no danger or risk of harm, just a far higher level of respiratory discomfort than with other vapes such as the XL or Omnivap, and managing the sy,ptoms is far more difficult, especially day to day .

There is some factor that explains the huge variation in how my respiratory tract handles different vapes, I just wish I knew exactly what it is.:hmm:

The Glass Symhony obviously has some appeal, I have never tried a true all glass air path (minus screen). I really should. This is why I need to get rich- I kind of HAVE to try the Symphomy first before the FP.

Trouble is you lot- you all keep making me want the Flowerpot so bad!:lol: I love this thread and would love to contribute properly, it may happen yet who knows.

Chicken #420

I and I be Irie Vaping with U and U in Zion, mon!
Sounds like a simple glass tube "crack pipe" might actually be the best vaporizer for you... considering your allergies. Somebody must have an electric coil version available by now... ;)


Well-Known Member
I'm trying to determine the exact amount for a one draw dose with my showerHead controller set to 700f.
Notice when the vapor starts fading. There seems to be a clear point when the flower stops producing vapor at the set temp. No coughing.

I always cap my flower hits. It makes a huge difference. I bet if you capped that, it would be much browner and be a one and done with that amount.


Well-Known Member
I still think it is interesting how the vapor starts out fairly wholesome, then completely drops off, while the herb is still SO green. It hints at a very controlled and sophisticated extraction at that temperature? (Or am I just high? Both? (tick a box!)):D


Seeking Higher Ground
I'm trying to determine the exact amount for a one draw dose with my showerHead controller set to 700f.
Notice when the vapor starts fading. There seems to be a clear point when the flower stops producing vapor at the set temp. No coughing.

Notice the milky vapor just stops being produced. Yes I can turn the heat up more to get the avb browner but I'm not sure it's doing anything beyond that point but getting brown. just my observation its only .05 gram


Notice the milky vapor just stops being produced. Yes I can turn the heat up more to get the avb browner but I'm not sure it's doing anything beyond that point but getting brown. just my observation its only .05 gram

This is what I found with my slow draw speed, while down at very low temps. After a while, I assumed there must be more at higher temps, but it just browns the flower further and doesnt actually give me any more vapour.

Admittedly at those lower temps, its far from a one draw and done type deal tho :)


Well-Known Member
I'm trying to determine the exact amount for a one draw dose with my showerHead controller set to 700f.
Notice when the vapor starts fading. There seems to be a clear point when the flower stops producing vapor at the set temp. No coughing.

what glass is that? and damn you im trying not to impulse buy it right now so hard but then you post this.....


This is what I found with my slow draw speed, while down at very low temps. After a while, I assumed there must be more at higher temps, but it just browns the flower further and doesnt actually give me any more vapour.

Admittedly at those lower temps, its far from a one draw and done type deal tho :)

For instance, I'm down at 640 right now, and getting nicely coffee brown, fully spent ABV.

I've been up at 740 doing dabs all weekend so this makes a nice change :D
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