Cannabis Hardware (formerly NewVape) FlowerPot Twax Vaporizer


Well-Known Member
@disGRUNTled your posts are so complete not sure what it is about them, but they rock ! Had not the best evening but I went with it ! Key wouldn't open my key after I went swimming at the lake .no locksmith could get there so I had to call my dad ! Made me feel like a teen again haha
Time to rip the FP and hit the hay.
On a side note I broke the sic dish the other day .was cleaning and it dropped on the floor .all my fault ..if that sucker cost 200 probably would have been a little more annoyed LOL.ill just order another and maybe an extra hemp handle and coil for it and and...shit I started at $12 that escalated quickly ..cue the anchorman memes hehe I need sleep
See ya tomorrow gals and guys !


Wow just took my first flower rip with the carb cap... TOTAL GAME CHANGER. Got those hot sweats I used to get from fat bong rips. One thing I noticed with vaping compared to bong rips is I don't get cold hands and bad circulation at all but when I smoke it is horrible. Also when I vape sometimes I get a headache and smoking I don't.. very interesting so far.


Well-Known Member
Wow just took my first flower rip with the carb cap... TOTAL GAME CHANGER. Got those hot sweats I used to get from fat bong rips. One thing I noticed with vaping compared to bong rips is I don't get cold hands and bad circulation at all but when I smoke it is horrible. Also when I vape sometimes I get a headache and smoking I don't.. very interesting so far.
Welcome man , glad to see another join the crew.


Well-Known Member
One thing I noticed with vaping compared to bong rips is I don't get cold hands and bad circulation at all
I am allergic to all chemical fertilisers used in weed, amd virtually all organic ones too.
I noticed a few years ago, when I was enduring some skunk vaporizing grown with chemical ferts, that it messed up my circulation with tingling arms and legs, toes etc.
Not a nice feeling. I dont ever notice that though when I vape my tolerated unferted (almost anyway) weed.
Long time simce I smoked to compare, so its interesting to hear you say that. I hope you will be very happy with vaporizimg, and with the flowerpot!
Hopefully with a top vape like this you will be able to impress lots of friends amd show them the light.
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Well-Known Member
FP is underrated IMO. Hits harder than the evo, herbie, all the big boys ! Heats up fast .double decker option , less than $300-200 total wake up people :) :D
And the biggest + is the company. easy to work with, they actually care about what you think and they act on it very fast !
In the vape world that's almost better than the vaporizer itself
Much love :)


Well-Known Member
FP is underrated IMO. Hits harder than the evo, herbie, all the big boys ! Heats up fast .double decker option , less than $300-200 total wake up people :) :D
And the biggest + is the company. easy to work with, they actually care about what you think and they act on it very fast !
In the vape world that's almost better than the vaporizer itself
Much love :)
The word from vapor pros here with experience from all the top vapes is that the new Herborizer Ti matches the power of the flowerpot. 2 members with the utmost vapor experience and qualifications have said wholeheartedly that neither is better than the other.
That the effect is the same from same amount of herb, the flowerpot milks faster with lollicap, but the Herbo Ti vapor is denser, is smoother, although taste drops off a little sooner in the Ti.

I can see clearly from this thread that the flowerpot is an outstanding vaporizer, and was really pleased to hear the equal praise for the Herb Ti compared directly to it.


Well-Known Member
What company makes that Oatmeal Raisin, link please!
Its from Cigar City it is a special release so its not on shelves all the time. Are you into craft beer ?

I was referring to the beer:rofl:

Oh hahaha , that sounds like a good beer to go with some oatmeal raisin cookies & flowers , my bad . :lol:
Its from Cigar City it is a special release so its not on shelves all the time. Are you into craft beer ?

Wholeheartedly!! I just love trying all the Wonderful miraculous flavors that continue to mesmerize me that beer could actually be good!! I'm a novice at best, but I'm highly interested! I don't sip for effect But I'm mindful of the effects! I immediately went looking for the oatmeal near me and while i can find that brand can't find that flavor I'm thinking of trying to see if i can have it ordered by one of my local stores


Well-Known Member
Afghan bed of flowers topped with a thc:cbd oil..tastes like honey :)
My body feels so relieved pain loose and it has that nice body buzz .all warm and Tingly typing this I look out at this beautiful sky ..dark with a band of fading blue at the bottom .. I'm out !


Well-Known Member
Has anyone yet found a real good sweet spot for both dabs and herbs? Seems to me you have to drop temps for dabbing then up it for herbs, be nice to know the ideal number/s to do both for flavour country?


Well-Known Member
Wish i could cross post on this forum . I got my Hex-Nail yesterday , its amazing , Sic dish is amazing taste wise , i was using some watermelon extract out of a syringe and it all was just so pleasant. The Sic dish really has been staying clean for me allot longer compared to the quartz. Around 680F has been the sweet spot for both flowers and dabs , i really gotta take some time to see how low i can go in temp with the Sic .


Well-Known Member
@Cannabis_Connoisseur thanks for the 20mm coil suggestion

not a problem with the 20mm coil support. it will appear on the site after the NorCal cannabis cup next weekend (2 weeks).

I will also acquire the dnail sic dish and make the necessary changes to keep the dish from spinning.

Thanks @everyone for the inspiring ideas on ways to improve the flowerpot product


has anyone else tested very fine grind. I find much better vaping results with fine grind herb. I believe this is because the surface area of the material has been increased with the fine grind. which allows the passing by hot air more material to come in contact with and increases any vape's efficiency. I'd love to hear other's opinions.

20mm is available now on the website (just so everyone knows)

Wonder if they updated it to perfectly fit the DNAIL dishes?
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