The Herbalizer Aroma pads are a press fit in an EQ basket.
Amazing flavor and clouds!
I wonder if these pads will work with neat essential oils? Today I received a 5 pack of the EQ basket/elbow screens, after both Biohacker and Alan Partridge insisted they are a necessity to stop fine particles falling through the gauze in the Herbo Ti.
You know well Biohacker's insistance Lazy that fine grind/particle fall through causes health issues/allergies, and Alan Partridge also is adamant that he was having allergy problems with his Ti from particles making it into the water, but he solved this by installing the EQ basket screen.
Im still not convinced about this, but I ordered some anyway.
But I cant see how they mean for them to be used. They dont drop down in the Ti bowl below the dimples, so you cant put it below the normal screen in usual place.
It would have to rest on top of the dimples.
They are too narrow to go into the downpipe. So Im confused.
However, maybe I can use them with these aroma pads for my essential oil treatment, instead of hemp fiber, which is awkward and inconsistent?
If anyone has any experience with this?
With my Herbo Ti, the particles are actuallt fallong around the edge if the screen anyway, which is nor secure at the edges like the XL. I get very minimal particle fall through with the XL bowl.