Thanks for sharing I dont feel so crazy now!That's pretty nuts dude , good bit of info also on the amanita mushroom. That had to be a crazy day lmao . I had some crazy times myself when I was a kid including one when I was around the age of 19 , that's like 16yrs back now and had found a lost extasy pill on the floor of my car during a work break at lunch and decided it would be nice to take and go back to work , well it hit me hard lol and I had to leave early , I dunno how I made it home . At this point in my life I don't mess with anything but gods green but it's always nice to look back and learn from all my mistakes. Man I hope when I have kids someday they are not as bad as I was growing up.

But in truth that was a very "normal" day in comparison to some of my later, far crazier exploits which included taking LSD one morning then going to work as dustman for the day!
We started 2 hours late with a manual lorry you had to put the bins on, walk round the side and work it with a lever. We finally got to the the tip at 5.30 pm and the lorry broke down! Had to walk miles home.
I phoned up the next morning and said to the (scary) boss Karen, who everybody was afraid of, "Karen Im really sorry I can NEVER do the bins again. Im 6 ft 2 and the bins are made for midgets. That is why my back is bad."
She said angrily "okay Alex I'll tell Justin Shepard who's 6 ft 7" and hung up on me.
She told him and he soon also quit, saying "Alex is right- the bins ARE made for midgets after all."

I havent even mentionied the time I took ecstasy for 11 days straight while working full time in tescos store after a New Years Eve bash. REALLY strong trippy pills as well. 54 "Buddhas" in 11 days. One day I took 11!
Nobody at work had a clue I was on it. It was as if I was invisible to them and vice versa, like we were in different dimensions! Quite bizarre.
Tescos prematurely terminated my employment on christmas holiday from University, so I thought "what the fuck!"
There is more, but I'll leave it at that, dont want people to think Im crazy now!

All those days passed long ago. Just herb now and healthy living, minus a few trillion brain cells!
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