Cannabis Hardware (formerly NewVape) FlowerPot Twax Vaporizer


Well-Known Member
I'm assuming a lot of the cost is in that custom PID case. Would be cool if they offered a more economical version.



prolly buying a flowerpot sooner or later (4/20) but i have a few questions before.

I got access to flower and hash no dabs. do u think the flowerpot b2 is worth it anyway or should i rather go for the b1, also did u vape hash through these? Does it work good and were would one use it in b2 on top where u dab i guess? how bad is it on the screen or are there fitting liquid pats or sth one could use ? If u tried 3+4mm Balls which one do u prefer and why?

Thanks in advance for your help.
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prolly buying a flowerpot sooner or later (4/20) but i have a few questions before.

I got access to flower and hash no dabs. do u think the flowerpot b2 is worth it anyway or should i rather go for the b1, also did u vape hash through these? Does it work good and were would one use it in b2 on top where u dab i guess? how bad is it on the screen or are there fitting liquid pats or sth one could use ? If u tried 3+4mm Balls which one do u prefer and why?

Thanks in advance for your help.
You can smoke hash with any of the B series lineup, B0, B1 or B2. I have vaped hash in my B1 with both the injector and standard diffuser. Works just fine in glass bowl or shovelhead bowl. Out of the B series I personally prefer the B1 for its airflow.

Socks And Sandals

Well-Known Member
Just ordered a 14mm glass screen bowl, a screen, another spike as a stand for it and another heat post. I kinda thought the other heat post was necessary since sometimes I don't have a steady hand while high and have scraped the side of my B2 against the hanger putting it back. I decided on having an extra heat post that I use during my session and then when I'm done I'll carefully put it back on the post in the hanger.

Not saying the hanger is too tight.. I just have a shaky hand sometimes so having that extra heat post that I can use for my session might really reduce the possibility of me scratching it against the hanger. It doesn't happen all the time but it's happened a few times where I accidently scraped my TI on the inside of the aluminum hanger... usually while putting it back rather than removing it. I mainly bought the hanger because it's a much safer storage of the hot head "while not using it". Not to mention I have a cat but he never is allowed in here. 🐱 If he did get in and climbed on my desk, it would at least be inside the hanger!

I wouldn't say the dimensions of the hanger are too tight at all and I know this is just a personal problem of mine but has this happened to anyone else? Anyone else ever find themselves scratching the sides of their heads against the inside of the hanger while putting back the heads or removing them?

After this.. I'm completely done with my CH accessories.. My setup now includes two shovelhead bowls and two glass bowls and I'm happy! Only thing left is the Sapphire dish for the T bucket and I already got that money set aside. Glad to be done! No more VAS!!!:freak:
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Has anybody 3D printed an insert that would go under the debowler so I don't have to take everything out of the stand when I need to empty the ABV?


This Space For Rent
Is there a trick to getting the screen out of the B2 head assembly without damaging it?


Well-Known Member
Hey does anyone know if the T-bucket pro is better than the regular T-bucket?

I'm trying to figure out if its worth spending the extra on the pro instead of just upgrading my existing showerhead.

I'm new to this concentrate stuff, does it look like I have everything I need to get started in my shopping cart? Am I missing anything?

Thanks 4 the help



Well-Known Member
I've got myself a B1 with balls... Would I be correct in thinking it'll work just fine n dandy using the B1 bottom and my VROD top n dish if needed???

They seem to fit together good.

The coil is a bit loose in the B1 assembly on it's own, but in the VROD it's snug, also snug in the B1 and VROD mix.
Seems the B1 top nut has more material machined out of it, making it feel a bit rickety. I like a snug firm fit. :tup:


Well-Known Member
I ordered the B1 essentials bundle with the shovelhead bowl and standard 22mm diffuser on 420. I got it yesterday, 4-27, and spent he night chasing, and failing to catch, fat clouds. I did get quite stoned, and the herb was toasty brown, but I couldn't get the clouds I wanted, even at temps of 670F.
Today, 4-28, I solved my issue and got clouds at 590F. What did I do? 2 things:

Coil adjustment: a I spread the could apart, so the coil stack was slightly taller, ensuring good contact with the upper and lower head's coil mating surfaces. b I used a needle nose pilers to gently bend the top most and bottom most coil slightly inward, effectively making the hole in the center of the coil smaller, ensuring a snug fit with the center post, (which contains the ruby balls) of the head shell assembly. This seemed to make a major difference, and let me lower the temps.

Draw technique: It made sese that a slow draw means more time to heat the air, and higher temp air should make clouds. That made sense, but it didn't make clouds. To get clouds, I found a stronger draw was the answer.

TLDR: 1 day in with the Flowerpot B1 and Shovelhead bowl, getting clouds at 590F
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