Highest I’ve dabbed from a VROD, probably 666F in the PID, not a pleasant dab imho.
Lowest in the VROD, probably 555F, and it’s ok.
Highest on a D-Cup, 555F and it’s good
Lowest, 454F, it’s very good but it pools if dab is big, and takes forever to finish the dab.
Using a 30mm Toro Opaque Grail quartz banger...
I can use it with an enail coaxial barrel coil from 710coils, around 450-550F too.
or my favorite,
with a Blazer GT 8000 torch.
Both cold start,
or at 555F it’s the best experience imho & e for dabbing. No regrets in getting amazing flavors from even your worst oils and your best ones.
Imho & experience, it’s all about the lowest temperatures you can go to achieve, that almost exact ratio of flavor and effects from a VROD dab.
Size of dab matters too.
Kind of hashish rosin/resin etc etc you’re dabbing.
If you’re searching for flavor, I’d avoid dabbing systems that includes any metals or ceramics in their heating system and as their airpath/airflow.
Imho & experience, a torched quartz banger, no spinning balls of any kind, and a proper technique, will give you the best flavorful experience.
Ymmv, try it and experiment, you’ll be surprised.
An accurate handheld IR (infrared) temperature gun from any online source, (Amazon has them from $25) will let you reach that almost exact temperature to enjoy that flavor/effects ratio from a dab, I’m talking about.
Stay vaped.
Mantente de la mente!!!
convection VRODs dabs are ok
For twaxing you need to go higher temperatures, since you need to cash the oily dabbed flower on top of it. I believe I went for 606F
D-Cup system is the most flavorful from the NV FP dabbing systems imho
Quartz is very very good