Hey everyone, hope you all are well. It's been a few months now since I've posted. I got busy with going back to school and life etc, but my flowerpots have been working overtime and my love for them has only gotten stronger!
TL;DR - twaxing isn't a gimmick, grill gloves are the shit, my vrod unscrews better hot, i confirm that splash doesnt seem to build up inside the head, draw speed can minimize splash(duh), thorough qtip keeps dish clean, agree with more pearls = thorough oil vaping and more even flower vaping, extra bowl handle works as insulated cap handle and makes cap more stable, smart outlets are cool, expensive bundles turn potential customers off, greekglass has 10 sapphires for 10$.
Okay here's the long version -
Now that I've been using the SH for a year and Vrod for 9 months I'd like to share some things I've noted and confirm what many of you already know by now.
My Vrod doesnt like to unscrew unless it's hot - literally seized at room temp and easily unscrewed with some heat.
The inside of my head is perfectly clean, even though I know I've splashed plenty of oil down there - I use a carb system though and vapor doesnt really go up from the bowl into the head.
Speaking of splash, I just have to not rip it too hard and I dont have many issues. I qtip thoroughly the inside of the carb cap and the dish, using 1.5 2 sided q tips per dab and my dish and cap stay sparkling clean. I've been exclusively taking double deckers for a couple months and have only had to clean the dish/head when I forgot to qtip and left the cap on accidentally.

I have also had similar results to many of you as far as adding more pearls to the dish, flower is vaped much more even and the oil is vaped more thoroughly. I found the difference between 2 and 4 pearls for oil to be substantial. Gonna have to try out
@thevapist idea with the pearls in the center hole! BTW I did use swissjewel but greekglass has 10 sapphires for 10$.
Sometimes with my vrod I get a little piece of flower from the top of the bowl stuck to the diffuser, something that never happens with my SH.
I originally bought the Vrod thinking I'd sell it and stick with the SH because twax hits just weren't that appealing. Like I said before though, now I strictly double decker. I fill the bowl completely loose, only scraped at the top to even it. Pop the head on and drop .05-.15 of live resin in the dish and away I go, using my carb system so I dont have to lift the head off until the hit is finished 4 or 5 breaths later. Then hopefully I remember to qtip after

. As a high tolerance user this has made things simple, I dont have to pack multiple bowls and I dont fly through concentrates like I do when I strictly dab.
I've been using my extra bowl handle as my carb cap handle. Not only is it insulated so it doesnt hurt my fingers, but its shorter and makes the cap more stable while moving the head with it on.
As far as maintenance - I change my pieces water at least once a day (personal preference) I run hot water through everything followed by an iso bath and rinse once every week or two depending. Super simple.
I couldnt be happier with my buys
I ended up buying a pair of grill gloves that are good up to like 900F, they have been a huge help, I can tighten the post or head while hot no issue, and its helped me get the head unstuck from the post a few times.
I think I said this in the past but I also love using a smart outlet for the FP.
@NewVape710 @newvape918
I had some questions/comments, in the recent vapecritic weedeater video he shows one of your simple stands that fits in the same spot the avb can on the regular stand. The simple stand he has though has drilled spots for dabbers etc, while the one on your site shows no tool storage. Is this something that was custom or he did himself or is the picture on the site not updated?
Only comment - after talking with a bunch of people over the past few months your packages scare people off. You may want to add an absolute bare bones package that doesnt include a case or any extra stuff. Only controller+coil, bowl+post, head, cap, optional stand post/simple stand, optional glass.
People are astonished when I explain that they can get a full flowerpot setup from scratch for 300-350.