@NewVape710 Looks great! The stand is definitely more appealing to me now - as someone who has the existing stand.
A few quick questions though:
1. Does the brush work well by itself even when the bowl is cold? My thought about a brush surrounding the debowler was to ensure that anything really stuck in there would come out, but if you found the right brush that may not be necessary.
I was also worried that AVB might get stuck in the brush too much. Is that a major issue?
2. How well does that lid keep the AVB smell down?
The suggestion I made only included a small ring for AVB to fall through, potentially even sealable, and the wide open holes on top make me worry it may not be as effective as it could be at keeping the smell down.
Is it at least a big reduction?
If not, here’s one way to make this design sealable and maybe reduce the smell overall:
Put a small cone under or around the debowler or brush and either only leave a small gap above the lid or thread it along with a ring or the body of the debowler or brush itself so it could be lowered to seal tightly when not in use and raised to allow AVB through.
A simple flat cover that just fits around the debowler or brush and sits over the holes would probably work too. I could even do that myself if I had to.
If the smell isn’t significant the way it is though, it may not be worth the extra effort.
3. I see the loading tool at least leaning in the video. If those holes are different sizes like they are in the older stand, I’d prefer to have appropriately sized dabbed caps to get them standing straight and make them easier to grab.
Otherwise, can you explain why the holes are different sizes so it doesn’t just seem weird and a little annoying to me?
I’m guessing you’re trying to accommodate other common tool sizes or maybe some of your tools that I don’t have, but personally I’d like to see it work as well as possible for your own tools if I’m not missing something important.
Maybe a couple of the bowl holders could go in favor of more different hole sizes while keeping several that fit your tools perfectly?
Anyway, thanks for keeping us in the loop and great job at continuing to improve all of this!