For those that don't leave their carb caps on for extended periods of time the bowl handles will also work for carb cap handles. Same 10-24 thread. The silicone is rated to 390f.
We are still working on the wood version spacing the wood away from the hot metal. to prevent discoloration.
This was on my wish list as a possible solution before the work on the wooden cap handle began, but now I’m not sure if it’s long enough. I hope y’all can find a way to make the wooden ones work. I’m still using the standard issue dabber rn w/ the high temp silicone tubing on it. And of course I never intentionally mean to leave it on the head, in fact quite the opposite, I’m constantly telling myself to pay attention and remember but this is my biggest problem with NewVape and my greatest complaint about the VRod comes into play:
It’s just so devastatingly great at what it does, it relieves my pain and relaxes me into a new reality where the carb cap’s existence can easily be forgotten. Most often I find the last ten minutes has evaporated as I’ve been staring off into space with a stupid smile on my face. More than once I’ve looked over and yanked the carb cap off
mere seconds before the tubing melted into molten lava. True story. And I blame you Edwyn
@NewVape710 for designing the device that enables me to easily forget a multitude of things, up to - and including, the carb cap smoking over there on my VRod heater. The VRod is devious imo and likes to sneak up on ya, leaving the user blissfully incapacitated. But I’m an easy-going, naturally forgiving bloke so if you’ll just send me a couple of those end-cap samples, I will no longer hold it against you for designing & refining the doom of so many afternoons. Sound fair?

I’m so happy that you’re actually making these!
I’m a pretty pathetic combination of forgetful geezer and VAS-infected fool so I keep a little list of VAS/GAS targets or goals for the olde arsenal, prioritised so I don’t forget anything important. What I found personally was that NewVape kit is so premium, so addictive that it kinda naturally commands its very own syndrome designation on my list: NVAS. I had no more put the VRod together and there I was, already composing my next order. WTF?! And I know I cannot be the only one here who’s experienced this.
How does NewVape metal do that voodoo to us poor souls?
Never had any bowl blowback or any difficulty whatsoever in using my VRod, but do remember this happening in the old bong combusting days. But I always do what the boss (Edwyn) says in the video, so it’s a scoop or little less spread out over the screen. I’m always still drawing as I remove the head from the bowl, then remove the bowl and clear it. I just don’t understand how the herb can go flying?