Brother let me just say...the MV being civilized as known...the FP is civilizationI was going to get a FLOWER POT until I was talked out of it?
Maybe my addiction to photo taking was the turn off?
Nice wp that I broke as well!

Brother let me just say...the MV being civilized as known...the FP is civilizationI was going to get a FLOWER POT until I was talked out of it?
Maybe my addiction to photo taking was the turn off?
Nice wp that I broke as well!
When I would let my glass get nasty is usually when I encountered breathing issues. I change my water daily -- changing every session would probably be better. I use regular tap water but maybe you want to try distilled water? If I see visible reclaim, I rinse with ISO. A couple weeks ago I discovered Mean Green. Now after I rinse with ISO and get all the iSO out of the glass, I rinse with Mean Green.
I prefer that to using an Ash Catcher. My favorite ash catcher is made by Grav Labs. You pack it full of crushed ice.
Then I run the Everclear through my Source and reclaim all the reclaim and recycle the Everclear for next time.
They haven’t listed it yet. Last time I messaged them they said by the end of the week. I was hoping they would list it by Fri but hopefully it gets listed next week.I'm a bit lost and might have missed it, but is there a recommended glass bowl on dhgate for the FPSH? I went to the store mentioned a few messages earlier but don't see a new product like that...I think?
My golden standard bowl
Has anyone been shocked by the NewVape enail controller? I pressed the front power button while I was touching the titanium base with the coil on the stand, and I felt an uncomfortable amount of current flowing through my hands. I turned it off immediately and looked around for something that could have caused it, but everything looked normal. I pushed the power cord hard into the controller in case it wasn't fully plugged in / grounded, but I don't think that made a difference.
I turned it on a few minutes later and tried touching things to try and see if there was still an issue, but everything seems to be okay now.
Anyone experience anything like this before?
Mine shocked me yesterday, but it doesn’t usually (not that I turn it off often) seemed like just a somewhat strong static shock though, and it seems like I’m getting those from everything lately.
what vendor will have this??Nugroaster
My golden standard bowl
Mine shocked me yesterday, but it doesn’t usually (not that I turn it off often) seemed like just a somewhat strong static shock though, and it seems like I’m getting those from everything lately.
If it feels like that's happening often it could be low humidity in your house causing extra static build up. May want to get a hygrometer and double check the humidity levels.
Oh maybe it was because I unplugged it yesterday while it was still on, so it still had a charge somehow, then when I plugged it back in and pressed the button it discharged through my hands? (uneducated guess)
It definitely felt like more than just a strong static shock though. It lasted longer and I could feel the current giving me a strong, extremely uncomfortable tingling - like when your leg falls asleep, but much more intense.
It’s not normally a big problem for me, but lately it’s been happening at home and in some other places too. We usually have pretty low humidity everywhere here in the desert though, so it could just have been particularly low in a lot of places lately.
Wow, that does sound like more to be concerned about. I don’t remember any reports of that happening earlier in the thread though, so I don’t know if it’s a design flaw that usually gives small shocks like I got and occasionally does more or if there’s something wrong with your controller in particular.
I’d e-mail NewVape and see what they say; they should have or be able to get more info than we have easy access to, and that kind of shock is a bit worrying.
what vendor will have this??
@hoyo77 I thought someone said they sent the specs to stevenlmz79.Ya gunmetalshark.....give up your source....haaaa please!
I have a new rig coming tomorrow, rattlecan from stevenlmz. I seriously hope I get some of those nasal rippers. @YaMon the only fire necessary is the fire within the buds!
Mine was a custom order at Ehle ( )