Do you preheat the carb cap?
And dont leave it on between inhales.
I dont have a huge amount to add these days! I still love the FPSH, its still my fave vape so far. I still have no reason to look for any other vape any more (unless I idly go looking around one day and see a bunch of you saying how x is so much better than anything else on the market, you hyping bastards!

). I'd still love some sort of glass insert, pure glass air path, a non ti dab surface, but really, all my main criteria for a vape have for the first time in years been satisfied with this beast. Its taken me quite a few vapes to get here!
Also, I just havent had anything to put in the damn thing for a while. But today someone gifted me a little crumble and thought I'd try a quick video. Shit lighting but you get the idea of how my new glass works at least -
It works really well without water too. The D020 I cant use without water, no feedback, like others have mentioned. With the TAG piece in the above video, its really easy to use without water. I might switch for a week, see if I get used to it. I wasnt that keen on this glass at first but now I've completely retired the D020, I can take much bigger hits than I could with the D020 too. I love this TAG piece now.
I'm def going to go to a different piece of glass tho and I think I know which one at last.
This takes a tiny amount of water -
The only other thing I can add is that the 6 hole showercap works like gang busters with flower, still permacapped over here. 6 holes still has the wide open airflow of the SH but much faster extraction, and no restriction like the one hole cap (admittedly this is less of a contrast on the newer, lighter multicap). I still use the one hole cap for dabs tho, six hole dabs aint so hot, literally.
If anyone is still on the fence about whether to get the the FPSH or not, get it!