I think the lesson is, no matter which way you assemble your Flower Pot it will annihilate you!
It will semi-retire most of your vapes, so be careful before purchasing.
Known to cure VAS, except for more New Vape gear!
Known to flare up GAS, green slyme for some...
Sorry what was the question again...
(lets call it the "Titanium Bone of Contention!)
Lazy I want to tell you that it was yourself actually MOST of all, whenever I was convincing myself to opt for the Herbo Ti or consider the Symphony, I would feel like I had convinced myself, ready to put the matter to bed...
And then it was like when you keep almost getting to sleep and you suddenly wide wake again as "that thing" jolts you back onto consciousness- usually a bad thing that won't let your mind rest!
But it was my own ability to logically deduce what was CLEARLY the superior overall vaporizer out of the 3, based on your own emphatic and valued testimonies.
At the back of my mind, you were there all the time, like a voice saying that the Flowerpot is just a clear cut above! And how could I plan my future paradise on that nice, but not the best, island over there.
I mean, how could I. I just couldn't get that image out of my head of you loving your flowerpot to bits so much everyday.
So that's all, but you really were my barometer in the background. Every time I tried to fool myself you brought me back down to earth with a bump, until I eventually admitted, with the cumulative help of many others, that it has to be the Flowerpot on my radar. Not to take anything away from all of the other fantastic members in this thread, who I have equal respect and appreciation for.
Thank you so much bro for being such a solid, reliable and trustworthy...lost for the right phrase... but I hope you get my meaning and appreictae how firm a cornerstone your contributions and opinions are, from almost as objective a position as possible.