Quite frankly i'm with those who expect the worse. Harper installed/developed/exploited the "medical" vs "criminal" BIPOLAR ideology which too few persons would still question today, then MiniPET evoked the "science" of his BIPOLAR (& ex-stoner...) mother to "laygaleeze", unable to resist the urge to partly build his electoral campaign on a failure to translate in good time "incidental possession" to "possession simple" for my province (he manipulated public opinion using the language barrier on purpose and more).
In the year 2018 vulnerable patients in pain continue to tolerate being taken hostage by an artificial discriminatory system emanating from public institutions determined to pile up legal signatures in support of more contaminated statistics, etc., while those same patients feel like sueing LPs in courts over BANNED pesticides...
M'well, under Harper the "medical" grade "shit" even sold as whole grind plants sterilized by exposure to cobalt-60 ionizing radiation. In comparison now we only need to fear the ghost of myclobutanil - and tomorrow we'll most likely have to worry about "bio-markers" turning us flluorescent under UV light!...
Go figure what more surprises will follow knowing a minority behaves as a majority in parliament!
It's cynically called democracy while our country is taken over by opportuni$t predator$...
Of course they'll never mention the basic idea of a popular "REFERENDUM" on cannabis - A Mari Usque Ad Mare. It would be too easy even a billion $ or 2 later...
Now tell me it wasn't Liberal instrumentation when the Joy Davies (South Surrey/White Rock) incident occured, going from a political stand which appeared to claim « Justin's with us! » to « Hell he's not!! ».
At most the future/shamed British Columbia candidate simply pointed a finger at contradictions of science - and she's been just in the right spot to comment as her own kid received cannabis oil to deal with cancer:
No wonder Trudeau's Liberals let her in, at 1st...
Then once confusion climaxed (...) Joy Davies was publicly shamed and forced to stand down, with Liberals against her for positions relative to those below:
There is NO HARM in our children being in a home where cannabis is growing. The fact that law enforcement and government rip children out of the arms of their parents that grow pot is the HARM. »
(FaceBook, 2013-Apr-21)
doctors are not educated enough »
The harm that has happened to families is a harm caused by bad laws, by people not researched, by propaganda, by stigmatism, by families being ripped apart »
The children of the mothers who used it during pregnancy had higher IQs and were better socially established than the children whose mothers didn't »
An exception? Nope, actually Joy Davies is only 1 of the multiple political "messages" sent by those $elf-$erving Liberals since their election in Ottawa. Who knows if the warriors of cap'tain Itnoc wouldn't dare to repeat such a dirty trick again?!...
After all, what politician ever cared to complain when Trudeau sent Hilary Geller as Canada's emissary to the UN in preparation of UNGASS 2016?... What liberal honestly believed "Stoner$"/"Droÿé$" would be "
pleased" by the nomination of Bill G20 Blair, and/or the extradition of Michael Woods and Gaëtan Dinelle to serve life sentences, and/or the murder in disguise of Bony Jean-Pierre by Christian Gilbert??
Euh... Still no date a couple years later.
N.B.: For details search for La C.R.A.P.'s version instead:
In a system of law the citizens should be able to expect the use of disproportional force to be fully investigated. Instead our national propaganda organ prefers to show burning cars... Here goes democracy!
Which reminds me of more corner-stone names, as high-profile UN insider Louise Arbour (and peers) who went critical on the mediatic place only 3 weeks after this mortal "incident", e.g. the very next day after
UNGASS 2016 (which was scheduled to occur on a "4-20", no joking!)...
Meanwhile Justin prefered to have a selfie session sending yet another ambivalent message:
After that the we saw Kevin Sabet and Nora Volkow as guests in the Halloween period at a low-profile "science" gathering on the "addiction" problem, at hotel Marriott/Mtl with 80 gurus just like them i guess:
Euh... Honestly. Trudeau on *
OUR* side?? C'mon dear TrudeauManiacs, think again!
And that's not the last bit of it. Lets just remind ourselves which colour was chosen for our new Canuck "marijuana" logo!
In pure bigot anti-cannabic prohibitionist tradition, perfected since Henri-Sévérin Béland - with ZERO LOVE and no compromise...
Good day, have fun!!