lazylathe , if someone is not a everyday user and smokes a joint there blood concentration of thc goes way up to like over a 100 nanograms as it does with everyday users right after they smoke too.
the difference is the person that is not a regular user levels drops down to below the set limits of 2 or 5 nanograms in a few hours .
but if you use everyday for a long time like many of us here, med users as well as rec users . there levels can stay above this level even days after last use .
what i gather from reading and watching the video you linked is this is a new tool designed for police to use at the seen of an accident.
because if someone is impaired by the time they draw blood enough time could have elapsed , and there levels will have dropped down to non impaired levels of less then 2 or 5 nanograms or whatever the level is .
the testing of the breath at the seen makes sure that if that person was over the limit at the time of the accident , they dont get away with it because of the lag time of the blood being drawn and the actual accedient . because there blood levels could return to normal by the time the blood is drawn .
This would work all fine and dandy if the person only smokes occasionaly but what if you are a daily user after work say , you smoke some everyday but not untill you are home and relaxing .
If you do this all the time for weeks months or years your baseline thc levels could be over the limit even if you are not impaired .
So imagine the situation were you get in an accident perhaps not even your fault. And your over . you havnt even had any that day . your fucked lol
The artical and video does say that the device is designed to detect resent use yes , but this is like i mentioned because non regular users levels quickly return to normal levels and they need faster detection as is for the short window of time needed to covict them .
This device wasnt made to differentiate between if the person is a regular user and maybe there base line is always more then the. set limits . it is only for faster detection at the seen . the issue of what im talking about still stands as far as i can make out