Well-Known Member
Am I crazy or was the herb still green when you dumped it at the end? lol
it seemed like the herb closest to the cap was pretty black, at least.Am I crazy or was the herb still green when you dumped it at the end? lol
Heat is applied to the cap first, pre-inhale. You can heat while inhaling but takes more technique & higher learning curve as risk for combustion is increased.Do you apply heat while inhaling or you preheat and then inhale ?
Stand alone stem, the airflow is truly wide open, only the chamber screen is in the air path. The Quad Bore Ceramic Tube has a much higher draw restriction but cools the vapor significantly.How open is "wide open" because the anvil is also "wide open." I personally view ball vapes as the only "wide open" draw I've experienced that I can't overpower.
Any waterpipe compatibility? 10mm?
Is the heater in the cap?
Does the 4 or 1 hole have more draw resistance?
Butane torch or bic lighter for heat?
Has anyone received one yet? I got a shipping notification already
Please make a video!!!!!
I'm dying to see this thing in action. It looks like the heater is the same concept as the grasshopper heater (remember them?) but torch powered. I'm hoping it'll scratch my thick vapor itch better than my dyna while not taking forever to cool like the anvil. Like I love to chain smoke with my dyna and I'd love to with the anvil but I can't. Maybe this will bridge that gap?
Welp, the device has landed. About to put it through some testing but wanted to get you happy ents some pics first.
Initial thoughts and observations.
Very nice machining. Don't really see any faults, marks, swirls, etc.
O-rings are SUPER tight to get on and a huge PITA when inserting into the stem. I suspect anyone with dexterity issues may have a hard time getting them on and in the correct place.
Cap is lightweight, magnetic, many tiny holes. Not sure how far down I should push it over the bowl as I hear some friction when I push it down to low.
Screen looks replaceable but didn't see any online. There are three little notches keeping the current one in place.
It would be nice to get some info from @Camouflet regarding best practices when it comes to o-ring spacing and also whether the screen is removable or not.
Going to test this out with my UFO induction heater and report back. So far satisfied with the look and feel. Missing a spare set of o-rings I ordered and waiting to hear back. Otherwise things are looking good!
Very sick. Is one hit extraction possible? Also, I don't want to get another Angus-esque conversation started over here, but can you give some insight on the grades of the metal and the type of o-rings used? Some people may have sensitivities to different metal in alloys so it'd be good to know just in case.
Yes, all the Convector components are 8mm stem compatible.Nice pics and initial thoughts, thanks. I'm surprised how fast it got to you as well.
Ohhhh shit, so this thing fits into existing dynavap stems??? Because the one thing I was thinking was; I do prefer the feel of wood in my mouth than metal cuz with the dynavap I tend to hold it with my teeth a lot of the times.
So that's pretty sick.
We might've applied too much heat on the last torch cycle, was a bit challenging doing multiple video takes and attempting to focus on everyhting at once without error (forgot to display ABV after the wand session). The lighting in the video is terrible and does not give an accurate depiction of ABV, much lighter than it appears. We displayed the ABV at the end to show that there was actually material in the chamber and no camera tricks. More ABV related content to seemed like the herb closest to the cap was pretty black, at least.
hmmm.. I don't know how to tell you this, or even if i have to tell you this but, this is not a convection device.. the herb is very close to that cap...there's no hot air to cross cold bowl.. the bowl is very hot... it's more like the condvector or so..We put the video together in haste, we wanted to include subtitle instructions but to save time we left them out for now.
The ceramic tube o-rings can be challenging to apply onto the tube. Tip for inserting the tube + o-rings into the stem; apply some saliva or dab a drip of water onto the o-rings, place first o-ring on the very edge of the tube, tilt this end with the o-ring on an angle when inserting into the stem. This method has a bit of a learning curve, we will make a demo and share asap.
The chamber screen is removable, the heating plates in the cap are friction fit and should not be removed.
hmmm.. I don't know how to tell you this, or even if i have to tell you this but, this is not a convection device.. the herb is very close to that cap...there's no hot air to cross cold bowl.. the bowl is very hot... it's more like the condvector or so..
You saying it's too powerful for a one hit extraction or too harsh?Last post before I turn in for the night. Going to give the quad tube a try sometime tomorrow.
Forgot to mention I am using an Herb Ripper XL with a course plate.
Pic below shows three back to back bowls. Top to bottom, First one was heated for 5-6 UFO blinks, pulled through, 5-6 more, another pull, repeated several times. 3-4 flavorful hits with a few smaller ones as the terps were depleted.
Second bowl was heated for 2-3 blinks, pulled, 2-3 blinks, pulled, 2-3 blinks, loooooong smoother pull, then a few shorter dips into the UFO and shorter pulls. Great flavor, about the same amount of hits as about.
Tried to do a one pull full extraction but my lungs said no. Two dense, super flavorful pulls were had after longer dips in the UFO and slower more steady pulls. Very satisfying but harder for me after an evening of vaping.
More testing to be had tomorrow, can't wait to hear what others experience.
Yes, I would like to see a dark coffee brown as well; that's what I'm hoping to achieve with this if it is truly going to replace my dynavap.What I would like to see is if you can have full extraction (Brown avb not green, dark brown but not black even better) in a reasonable amount of hits without "conducting" or even worst combusting as the heater seems close to the bowl and I don't see how it would accumulate enough heat for that without transferring it by conduction.
You saying it's too powerful for a one hit extraction or too harsh?
Ah. Makes sense.I'm saying my lungs were at capacity after a long day of work and many vape sessions (with my other devices as well). I'm sure those who regularly hit ball/ heavier vapes will have no problem extracting everything in one hit. My lungs were just tapped out towards the end of the day.
I'm with this guy. The roasts looks a little uneven, evenAm I crazy or was the herb still green when you dumped it at the end? lol
When heated as described. Heating the upper portion of the cap. Not the portion that is around the bowl the portion where the disk are located. I Also the heat up is super fast so if the heat is carrying down your heating too long. ill try to get some videos goin. Maybe even try a torch. I will say of using the wand. Do not insert deeper than it takes to activate. Maybe an insert would help. The photo of the insert @DeezVaprz showed perfectly the amount of the tip that should be heated.No matter where you heat it, the heat will conduct into the bowl long before the air is hot enough to vaporize the load. I don't see how this could possibly be convection.