
Well-Known Member
Here is another good video for people wanting to get the torching technique down. It was on the Convector thread but the principle is exactly the same for the XL.

As you can see fast heat up with a single flame set high.
I find if you can get it to cherry for around 2 to 3 seconds with small torch like that you get a nice balance of vapour and terps. When I cherry it for too long I get a nice anodized cap (got a nice purple and blue going) with some big clouds... but not as tastey.

The speed and ritual of this vape is so fun.


Well-Known Member
so triple torch on tip (with the 2 flames close to tippy top or even slightly/half over the tip shooting the 2 flames across the top rim while spinning) 5-7 seconds from cold.. then 4 to 5.5 seconds each subsequent pull seems to work just fine and very repeatable.. tasty terps in the beginning then heavy around 3rd or 4th pull native..then however many more you can tolerate before its toasted..

funny story.. I saw the tabletop hello friends wand vid of 5 seconds per pull the other day and figured ok i got torch down now to try the easy wand method.. get it all loaded and setup and ready to go.. turned on the wand.. getting psyched.. double click.. ready.. and here we go!

I went to put the XL in and clink.. doesn't fit.. wtf.. clink, clink.. wtf! momentary bewilderment . .. The damn tempest adapter was in it, duh ..ahh shit didn't think about that! didn't want to remove it because it's perfect for the tempest at the moment.. back to torching with it.. so now I need to get a 2nd wand, lol. ok maybe it wasn't that funny, but i was looking forward to the first trial run...ha


Well-Known Member
There’s a good video here by @kokolokokolokon, post #102. Big single flame, about the size of the oven, heat the upper part of the cap while rotating. Stop and taste when the cap turns orange and take it from there. I find that a couple of seconds past the orange cap gives huge clouds but be careful as combustion isn’t too far from there!
It was a dual flame!
Actually i like to use dual or triple flame with the CXL to take advantage of the fast heating profile. On that video, there was no combustion risk


How Soon Is Now?
Love your matching accoutrements for your different vapes 💚

Can I ask what size of corundum balls you're using? I have some 3mm on hand but wondering if 4mm is better for cooling/airflow.
thanks for the praise my man!

the balls were in there and unfortunately are not changeable. but i think its 3mm. and imo the more that fit in something the better because theres more surface to cool down...


New Member
So I've gotten pretty spoiled with some nice convection vapes and the flavor they produce. Every time I go back to one of my ol trusted Dynavaps the taste is awful in comparison. Is it worth grabbing a Convector or Convector XL tip and cap to improve the flavor on one of my existing Dyna stems?

this is awesome. slapped me right into the couch. holy motherload of vapor!

Love the rocket stem. Where did you get it?!
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Well-Known Member
Hi everyone,

For those asking, we're confirming that the new Super Capacitor works very well with the wand. Approximately 17x blinks from cold start and thick clouds are in store.
This is what I'm waiting for. Thanks so much.

Also I've found different torches change the vapour significantly.
A small single flame over a long period of time creates a great thick and terpy hit, while the triple creates big hits in a quarter of the time. Not as tastey though.

What kind of hit does the wand or the inductor create vs a Torch. I'm sure this has been said somewhere before so sorry for any redundant info/questions.

I see them both in my near future. 🫠
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Big and Bouncy
It has the Camuflet Ceramic insert
Yeah, sorry for the ambiguity but the that's the "tube" I was referencing since the OP called it a "ceramic tube" and I figured it was the Camouflet one. Not the outer glass.
Posting here…I know wrong tip. But dang this stem turned out nice! Yes, hoping to add an xl chamber to this soon. I removed the balls and went with ceramic tube to attempt keeping it cleaner.
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Well-Known Member
It has been shared on the Convector thread but thought it's worth sharing here too:

This is a foolproof way of heating with the Wand and particularly good if you want to extend your session and sip with the vape.

I still think prefer the 12-14 blinks for heavy hits from the off but I do lack a certain refinement 😁.


Well-Known Member
so triple torch on tip (with the 2 flames close to tippy top or even slightly/half over the tip shooting the 2 flames across the top rim while spinning) 5-7 seconds from cold.. then 4 to 5.5 seconds each subsequent pull seems to work just fine and very repeatable.. tasty terps in the beginning then heavy around 3rd or 4th pull native..then however many more you can tolerate before its toasted..

funny story.. I saw the tabletop hello friends wand vid of 5 seconds per pull the other day and figured ok i got torch down now to try the easy wand method.. get it all loaded and setup and ready to go.. turned on the wand.. getting psyched.. double click.. ready.. and here we go!

I went to put the XL in and clink.. doesn't fit.. wtf.. clink, clink.. wtf! momentary bewilderment . .. The damn tempest adapter was in it, duh ..ahh shit didn't think about that! didn't want to remove it because it's perfect for the tempest at the moment.. back to torching with it.. so now I need to get a 2nd wand, lol. ok maybe it wasn't that funny, but i was looking forward to the first trial run...ha
It's way better used with the wand in my experience
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