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How is cloud production with the V3’s? Any problems with it?
Pretty impressive! No problems as of yet. I think they go it right this time!How is cloud production with the V3’s? Any problems with it?
@PaperClouds can u share a bit more about your setup and maybe show pics of the underside of your mod? I see that you are using the PVHS Shorty Turbo but for what arizer unit and what is that black piece at the bottom?
Are these solo or solo2 stems. I have no experience with Arizer and some sites say they are different.
You'll find out soon!!! Report back when you do!!!Just purchased a Tera V3 from Randy @PuffItUp. How would one compare the taste and vapor output of the Tera compared to a solo 2 or Mighty.
Vape your mids in the V3
Probably missed it, but most of the accounts here of using an arizer stem with the tera haven't really specified whether they are being used as in an arizer product (herb in the stem and stem all the way down flush with the bottom of the tera bowl) or just as a regular mouth piece sitting just above the stainless bowl. I haven't tried the latter, but was able to find a phve solo gong I had deep in storage, found a hi temp oring just the right size, loaded the stem with herb (and wax!), and vaped in the Tera. I personally find the results amazing so far.!Ao3Rr48QWLIdpX3DOkC_EdtTaaQr
I beg to differ! Ive tried some of the Arizer products and find the Tera to be on par or better , taste wise, than the Solo/Air models. Have not tried the Argo but have heard they are similar. Im using mine with the glass MP and a smaller 10mm OD & 4" long strait glass extension inside the the mp with a silicon sleeve as a spacer. The I.D. is only 8mm so it slows done flow a very wee bit but still easier flowing, for me, than the Arizer Solo/Air models IMHO! Really the only way to improve airflow is to open up the intake holes. Packing loosely can help but unless you got bigger inflow outflow is not going to change much. Very good taste and Huge clouds. Also very stoney affects. Similar to my Milaana.No thank you. Haha. To add to what you said and for anyone that hasn't done the Arizer mod, the Boundless glass stem is actually ok at low temps if you cigar puff it, not that I would use it anymore but still it's not as bad as people are making it out to be in my opinion. But yeah, it still doesn't compare to the taste of the really any of the Arizer portables then again not a whole do.
Screens are in the bowl not stem! The bowl IS, after all, stainless!Ugh, no metal screens in the Solo 2 stems...ruins the taste.
ah, you had me baffled.Screens are in the bowl not stem! The bowl IS, after all, stainless!
This is what I've been doing with the og glass chillum..can confirm, works wonderfullyFound out that Arizer ARGo stems can be pushed all the way through the silicone gasket without any excessive stretching. You can position it so that you can use the ARGo stem as the bowl, thus greatly reducing the amount needed and keeping the bowl slightly cleaner. I'll post pictures when I get home tonight and clean the stem. I was able to micro-dose with absolutely tiny amounts .05 or maybe even less and still get really good vapor.
Excellent, another alternative. When you get a chance, would you mind providing the outside diameter of the argo stem, or take a pic with it butted up against a solo stem for comparison? I am finding that the vapor is smoother/doesn't get as hot when loaded into the stem, and I agree loading this way has other benefits, so the more alternatives the better.Found out that Arizer ARGo stems can be pushed all the way through the silicone gasket without any excessive stretching. You can position it so that you can use the ARGo stem as the bowl, thus greatly reducing the amount needed and keeping the bowl slightly cleaner. I'll post pictures when I get home tonight and clean the stem. I was able to micro-dose with absolutely tiny amounts .05 or maybe even less and still get really good vapor.
Excellent, another alternative. When you get a chance, would you mind providing the outside diameter of the argo stem, or take a pic with it butted up against a solo stem for comparison? I am finding that the vapor is smoother/doesn't get as hot when loaded into the stem, and I agree loading this way has other benefits, so the more alternatives the better.
My objective is to do away with the silicone as much as possible, and I've found that the oring I am using with the solo stem is the only one I have that size, so I tried cutting the oem silicone just enough so that it can act as a pressure fit at the top of the bowl, but it is too wide when used with the solo stem and does not stay in place properly as does the oring. So if the argo stem is not as wide, using a shorter version of the oem silicone gasket may work.
btw for anyone that is interested, below are the dimensions of the oring that works well with the solo stem. Im going to look around for a spare.
Inside diameter 11mm/.43in
outside diameter 18mm/.7in
cross section/thickness 3.5mm/.14in
The diameter of the ARGo stem is 11mm. I've had some fit looser then others and I know the black one is among them but for and intents and purposes 11mm should be fine.
Isn't the bowl smaller on the Argo stem?
I thought it was 10mm flat, are the 13mm basket screens?Yeah but size difference is only a few millimeters. I'm at work and we don't have any Air's or Solo's in stock right now for me to compare so I'll have to wait till I get home. We have some 13mm screens that fit really well in the Air stems without any real bending.
Hey crew. Whats the deal with CFV upgrades? did they start that yet?
I thought it was 10mm flat, are the 13mm basket screens?