The Tera comes with a wpa so no need for, XMAX V2 Pro Water Pipe Adapter (WPA)...Arizer air stems will fit in extra seals needed.

Nice one, I'll just get the bent stem then!
The rattle can bong you listed is my favorite
It looks fairly succinct for sure, that vertical entry should help hold up the heft of the Tera.
If I didn't anticipate a move in the next year this would be a no question buy.
I'm just trying to do my due diligence and reduce as much as possible the amount of delicate yet bulky things to pack/ store.
But then again, no big deal if I want to get it - can deal with it.
ALSO - I've only used an acrylic bong as my daily. Maybe it's time for some glass
don't have experience with the Linx you suggested.
Since the short glass mouthpiece is 14mm(?), technically any bubbler that fits 14mm should work, correct?
The Linx I got as an idea from reading a post by user in this thread I believe. So I'm not sure myself if it's 14mm.
not being able to clean it properly
Oh no, thanks for the forewarning.
I'm sure its not the best idea to soak ED's TNT like I originally thought I would have done, the water content would probably warp the wood if soaked for too long.
@phattpiggie actually makes custom stems with a stainless steel liner
nice one! I imagine the cleaning process for that would be something like plugging bottom and top and filling with iso +/ salt to clean the liner.
I do not like adding aluminium to the vape
Is this a taste-change thing? Or different rates of heat transfer?
Smart - so I guess for best consistency I should look for capsules made of stainless.
Does anyone have any idea if this exists?
Appreciate the advice, it's a new-ish world market for me and the mods can get a little bit confusing. I have experience modding other stuff like mech keebs so I'm not too out of my depth but I'm glad I found this site as a resource base w/ consumers that have actual experience with the products!