First bowl on the CFX.
Definitely jumping on the CFX hype train!

At first I was skeptical that it would handle small loads but i'm glad I proved myself wrong. I shit you not I put in 0.08g and the level of extraction at 380 was a perfect and even light/med brown. The first rip was full flavor, it reminded me of my FW3/Underdog. After that this thing put out huge clouds with good flavor. As many people have stated this isn't a full convection vaporizer (mainly conduction+some convection) but I can see it having some convection properties. The taste was great consistently throughout the whole load. The load lasted 8-10 huge rips staggered between two short sessions. I'm sure I could have bumped up the temp and got more out of it but I really just wanted a good ratio between flavor and vapor. I really love the airflow on this thing, I was concerned that it would be tight like the air, but the CFX has a nice balance between air flow and restriction.
So I ordered this on the 6th and I thought these new arrivals would have the updated box. Sadly the box still says its a full convection device. The product manual inside needs to be updated. It still says that the battery warranty is only 90 days and the warranty for the actual device says it's 1 year.
Beyond the little quirks with packaging and the manual I still really like this product and would highly recommend it to people. At the cost of $159 with the FC code its a no brainer. I'm thinking about ordering the CF for a full stealthy option. The LCD of the CFX is quite bright at night, I wish there was an option to dim it or have it automatically shut off after a certain amount of seconds after it heats up to the initial temp. Then when touching the temp buttons to bump it up it would automatically turn back on. I think if Boundless can do that, that would make the CFX even better.

One more thing that I would add is that I wish the top closed in both directions. Right now the top/mouthpiece needs to be pushed away from the front and it opens up.
Since this was based on my first bowl I think the only real test now is the test of time. Will it last? With their awesome products, great customer service and 2 year warranty I think it's fair to say Boundless Vapes is going to be around for a long time.
Edit: Crappy pics but I thought maybe some of you would want to see the abv.
Since I also preground my bud and keep it in a pill container it fixes the tiny issue of loading it.
My container is kind of big and I think a smaller plastic vial would be great for keeping the whole package small. I ordered these and someone from the dynvap thread said it could fit almost a gram. So I guess one could prepack the bowl of the CFX and have one or a few of those vials handy for a quick refill.