Sorry, too hard to do on this website.truly appreciate a pic

Just put a dab in the middle of half a cotton ball roll it up and jam it in
Sorry, too hard to do on this website.truly appreciate a pic
well, there is nothing more to say, will do! like a cfc with WPA? high temp and enjoy? or is there any temp tips i should know about it?Sorry, too hard to do on this website.
Just put a dab in the middle of half a cotton ball roll it up and jam it in
dude CFX feels and looks amazing, i wish i could afford one, but instead CFX im currently aiming for CFC lite, i love it cuz is more portable, vapor production is amazing for being a little device, i did tried one from a girl i meet at a beach trip, she liked a lot cfc 2.0 due full temp control, i like both, CFX is a vape people should try, amazing quality build, amazing clouds and insane flavor, like CF, just a little bigger and with 3 interesting featrures, full screen with session time, temp and battery life, wall charger option to charge in the go and the most important feature, vibrates when ready... like CFC lite.. so CFX is an amazing unit indeed,Max temp for concentrates, it may take a while to start producing vapor due to heating up the can.
I just got my replacement CFX and will try it again too.![]()
totally agreed, you cannot go wrong with boundless, i have a CF and CFC, started using more the CFC 2.0 cuz is a bit discrete and portable compared to CF quite a lot, also flavor and vapor production is nice on that little babe, i have had problems with a CFC 2 and the response and replacement were at the next corner, i totally aiming cfc lite and also would like to get me a tera or maybe a CFV, interesting devices!My CFX got used a lot on a bong...until I got my Tera (another Boundless vape) it blows the CFX away in the taste and bong use department. Boundless went through a tough time when they released the Tera with teething problems but are a great company and solved all the niggles in the Tera and made it a great device that I recommend to many.
You will not go wrong with any Boundless product as they give good warranties too (3 years on CFX and Tera, don't know about the rest)![]()
nice input, but keeping the ceramic chamber on your devices actually is quite easy, clean it with the provided brush after every session or prior every refill, is amazing the results you get if you clean the chamber while minimal hot, also with the "Dab" tool you might scratch the rosin may be sticky around chamber walls, i did abused my CFC 2.0 from December to march, trust me they always get back to white! thats another thing i love from boundless products, compared to some Grenco, pax and other vaporizers that are quite hard to take rosin or leftovers spots out,Hi,
I don't know if anybody posted it before, but if somebody is searching for a way to hold the CFX chamber clean while using flowers. You can use your concentrate pod/capsule which came with your CFX. I just pulled out the wool, ready to fill up with flowers.
Usually I hit the CFX at 210°Celcius through water. While now using the capsule I do the CFX at 220°Celsius through water.
dude i need o get those, have read several things but there arent available in costa rica, so is there any online place to order?Use Vapxhale baskets(ELB) for ease of use and bigger cap loads like this;
Mine has been like this for 2 years and works great.![]()
interesting, those are the baskets i need, gonna start contacting to see if they ship to doral,Shop direct for best price;
I tried a rice grain sized dab of rosin wrapped in hemp fiber (cotton wool will do) and set CFx on max on a Rattle Can bong. Only got whispy vapor on the first 5-minute sesh but tasty. The next 5-minute sesh started to produce some more vapor and taste. The 3rd 5-minute sesh saw the vapor taper off to where I could not be bothered anymore.
I unrolled the hemp and it had changed color from white to light brown, no stickiness or burning just full extraction, I could have used the same hemp again but rather than take nearly 15 minutes to extract, I dabbed the same amount in 3 puffs on the Dnail.![]()
Yes, I did, I now give it to a friend that combusts tobacco and pot, he says it is great to run a line of reclaim (the name for wax/oil recovered from vape gear) along a bed of tobacco or weed.have your ever tried the rosin vapes produce or collect on mouthpieces?
interestin, i forgot about the "proclaim" name, i just realized that i have a device for an older bong named oil proclaimer... lolYes, I did, I now give it to a friend that combusts tobacco and pot, he says it is great to run a line of reclaim (the name for wax/oil recovered from vape gear) along a bed of tobacco or weed.
I now have a Dabpress and no longer need to be a heathen.![]()
will be there any test or review items? totally interested, seems nice!Hi all,
This post is intended to be an open discussion on the CFX unit. We are moving forward with finalizing the features that will be implemented in the design of the version 2 and would like to get some feedback from the people who will actually be using the unit, besides ourselves.
Here are some things that we enjoy about the current CFX:
Fast heat-up time
Dual conduction/convection
Large chamber, although admittedly it can be smaller
Chamber efficiency
Isolated airpath
Display design
Fast charge option in the box
Session timer
5 min session
Sleep mode
Haptic feedback
Functionality when connected to a water pipe
Here are some features we would like to see in the CFX version 2:
Redesigned herb chamber, similar to Tera with no grooves or places for herb to get trapped.
Magnetic mouthpiece options
Dosing capsules
An exterior that is not sensitive to isopropyl and natural oils
USB-C fast charge
Improved buttons
Ability to dim/turn off display screen
Improved cooling system
Improved mouthpiece screen system
Improved airflow
Less haptic feedback
Improved battery capacity
Slightly smaller design
Metal casing
Session counter or some indication of lifespan
We are aiming for a late Q2 2020 release and would like to hear any suggestions or comments from the community on how we can improve the current CFX. Are there any specific functionalities that you would like to see in the CFX version 2? Feel free to comment or email me at with any suggestions relating to this. We appreciate the continued support throughout these years and look forward to sharing with you the future Boundless line-up.
I'd like to remind everyone that asking to test is against forum rules.will be there any test or review items? totally interested, seems nice!
Forum Rules said:Do not ask about being a beta tester or ask about freebies.
Email sent!Yes, there will be a few rounds of pre-production units but I do not have confirmation of the amount yet. Most of them are already reserved but if we do have extra we will definitely be needing all the testing we can get. Please send me an email and I will make a note. Appreciate the interest!
sorry for this, i use this forum a bit less than others, is the 1st forum i've seen with this, totally respected,I'd like to remind everyone that asking to test is against forum rules.
Since Boundless has replied to this post I won't remove it, but similar posts (from anyone) will be subject to removal and a warning point.
Cooperation is greatly appreciated.
You could always use a liquid pad as a spacer to fill the oven for smaller loads, I like the larger oven, you can always use a spacer to make them smaller, it is a bit harder to make them bigger!I also think the chamber size on the first CFX was a little too big for all applications.
I have to say the list of improvements sounds great. I would especially be excited about dosing capsules and an improved cooling system. I have to say that personally I am not partial to the app side of things, I'd rather have access to all the functions without needing to connect my phone.
I also think the chamber size on the first CFX was a little too big for all applications. If a similar size chamber is kept I think it would be helpful to include a screen that can reduce the chamber size. My friend had this domed screen that he gave me to cut out maybe 1/3 of the chamber and it was perfect, but I lost it and I really miss having something like that.
You could always use a liquid pad as a spacer to fill the oven for smaller loads, I like the larger oven, you can always use a spacer to make them smaller, it is a bit harder to make them bigger!
You could use these as spaces now,
A WPA as standard on the new model would also be nice(male 14/18mm high flow)
Wire mesh filters (instead of the stamped air restrictors)
A concentrate mode temp boost like the Tera
Quick change 18650 batteries are nice too![]()
some inputs about cfx desired specs:
Bluetooth: is something we dont really need, there are already quite much mobile apps related to vaping that are just junk, keep it simple we need more performance over fancy marketing and apps
Cleaning and filters: better design regarding cleaning, mostly on mouth piece screens and filters... the current ones gone plunged out pretty easy, also a better seal one like CFC 2.0 or CFC lite are better, since they leave the oven pretty well closed and sealed improved vapors!
chamber size: well the CF/Cfx have great ceramic chambers, the size is not the deal is the filling process that brings the fiddle, also a better closing one, that give you confidence it wont loose easy! maybe adding a filling cap or tool!
external batteries: on a CFx, will be the crown for the new king, this legendary device is well know for its performance over the -$200 price tag, making it the king of middle end vaporizers / price range
Adding value stuff: bundled with it, like the CFC 2.0 that comes with a WPA, so you get the vape and dont need to be looking for accessories to enjoy your ripes
Better instructions: for concentrate pods if they will come with, for example i had to do a research here about how to use the provided ones on CF/CFx, the fact that a device come with some advises, instrucctions and directions about how to use and get better results is well appreciated
Special editions: color options are nice, but nothing to die for, maybe you should launch some special editions with other stuff, that will make people see how much the company tries to push the product with newer colors, versions and also bundled with some items, like a collector edition.