Here are s0me m0re L0tus hits 


Damn you @Meghan!!!
With a statement like your last sentence, I know have to go roll loose change to begin funding for a Lotus.
I must mention that I was not looking for a portable, flame based vape prior to reading your comment.
Here's the new WPA. Just one magnet on it and it's still almost too strong. We haven't had a chance to put the photo up on the website yet.
I completely agree!!!!Yeh my first impression was "meh" no vapor only taste.. Only when i wasn't afraid to torch the thing was my mind blown! Easy to combust yes, but easy to correct.This was always supposed to be my travel piece. But it is so versatile in every way it now rides SHOTGUN
If you keep hitting the same bowl over and over will it stop producing visible vapor?
I thought I was doing something wrong because I was really scorching the last hit of the 1st bowl and I didn't get any visible vapor at all. No material blackened either though. Then I packed a fresh bowl, did the same thing, and got an enormous, tasty cloud. So is that how you tell when a Lotus bowl is done?? When it stops producing visible vapor?? That sounds like a weird question but I'm just used to the Solo which seems different in every way. I can keep getting visible vapor off one bowl for 30 minutes with the Solo, although it feels like a chore to do it.
Thanks for that detail, I was not able to see bends in your earlier pics. The center of my vapor cap plate does have a bit of a concaveness to it but not real bends in it that I've ever seen. As part of a vapor cap tune-up have flattened a few dents by pressing them out with bottom of small dash spoon (of course after already having removed the top plate for cleaning)....the way the metal is bending down towards the inside, could it possibly obstruct or change the airflow? You can see how it's stretched inward around the center post a bit. If its normal, and nothing to be concerned about, I'll not worry.
Yes agreed, the difference between V2 and V3 seems to be the poker/stir stick location and patent number.^ Just looked at mine no patentIts official you have a V3!...also in the second photo the V3 sits flusher on the WPA is this correct? or just a fluke?. (edit) sorry looks like the poker pushes it up. So V3 seems like only the patent and more space for poker?
Definitely the assembly process. The diffusion plate has to be annealed (heated and softened) before it is formed.Also had to peek underneath the is the inside of the brand new/unused v3 vapor cap. Not sure why there is discoloration on the inner plate, maybe as result of assembly process from factory?
For those having trouble getting amazing hits with a bubbler (scorthing,burning,etc), here's my two cents. Get your flame a little bit bigger than it is now, I have my torch on a pretty high setting. Not the highest, but close. Put the flame to the plate, very closely so the center of the flame is touching the plate, until it burns bright red. This will only and a few seconds. Begin to inhale immediately, and pull away the torch somwhat. Make it so the center is glowing a slight orange, not red. And once it's orange (or glowing), keep it there by adjusting the flame and inhalation speed. You will be able to take a hit for as long as you want without combusting or torching, I just took a 20 second rip (at least) with my bubbled using this technique, and there was so much vapor it was ridiculous, and it tasted amazing. First time I've felt my lungs fill up that much since I took my first dab. Never knew the lotus was capable of this. Make the center glow, just not red, and control your draw speed. With a proper bubbler I'm sure you'd have a similar experience. Now I can't move, great.
First cursory review:
Wish I had a vid camera, or phone tripod, but don't right now. Anyway, my first tryout was both OUTSTANDING (Lotus w/OEM stem), and DISAPPOINTING (torch): the torch wouldn't fill/the butane can valve was leaking also...Shit! BUT!!! I did get 3 monstrous hits with the only 3 flames I could get before the torch poofed out. Put in a very small pinch. Good flavor, big vapor, almost spent, dry, but very light scorch! Learning curve must be near zero, and as I said - got my first 3 huge hits with my first and only 3 flames. Seems real easy to use, no fuss no muss. Feels like a Home Run! My heads in a good place now, so I won't stress too much over the faulty torch.
EDIT: I did get the hot plate red dot on all three huge cloudy hits...the vapor wasn't hot and the ABV was light. No scorch. I think the secret to a love affair with the Lotus V3 is to have the right working torch. l believe the Solo stem caps will fit the Lotus bowl, so stowing a session in the pocket with the Lotus cap beside it is a stealth maneuver. If the Solo stem caps don't fit, I'll find something that does.
Awesome, Its one of those vapes that grows on you as your technique grows.
Well, mine arrived in the mail today. Filled up the lighter, filled up the bowl, and gave it a shot...and got no vapor. Tried again, still no vapor. I taste bud ever so slightly but can't taste any vapor. I preheated it and took long enough draws that I had to set the Lotus down for a couple minutes because it was getting too hot. I've made 6 attempts now and still can't get anything. Followed the instructions and instructional videos to a T.
The plate on my lotus seemed to develop a bit of a crack.. and now it is giving off a powerful wood smell and offgasses when I torch it without the bowl attached. I don't feel safe using it until I can replace the cover so I suppose I'm back to combustion now :/
Verdampftnochmal will not be offering accessories soon.Contact them directly if you think they should be.By the way, do you know if will at some point offer accessories ( ?
Little question to finish : Is there a real performance difference between the old and the new versions ? Or are we only talking here about design improvements like bigger chamber capacity, stirring stick and magnets ?