I'm starting to give up on the Kanger Aerotank Mini. I bought two, from two different vendors, and both leak or flood or go dry way too often. I really like its form factor over 22mm tanks, because it looks so slick paired with my iTaste VV. I almost always have both Aerotanks in the car, as well as the Kayfun, and take turns hitting them. I try to use the Aerotank when in public because, well, everyone else uses a clearo of that size, and I often want to fit in.
I'm really mad I spent $30 on each of these tanks, and feel worse that I have been suggesting it to others. Medical users who are differently-abled, who NEED a device that works when they push the button

I don't think it is kind to tell people with mobility and dexterity issues that they HAVE to wind their own coils, in order to get a decent experience. But it seems to me, that it is the only way to go.
I think the Aerotank may be great to fill up and carry on a trip, or a concert, or a party; but it is too messy and hit-and-miss for a all-day vaping device. Medical users don't have the luxury of putting off medicating to a later time, they need it to work. Just work.
I'm going to have to help them build coils at this rate. It isn't really a big deal, I just didn't want sick people being dependant on me for help. And they can't really wheel themselves into a e-cig B&M asking for help, as these stores are terribly anti-cannabis. I literally spent $5 more on the Kayfun than the Aerotanks, and they have worked flawlessly in comparison.
Again my complaints center around: leaks when carrying, flooding (gurgling), dry hits, leaks/messy when filling/loading. I'm also a little skeptical of holding these tanks together using o-rings and pressure. Screwing machined stainless steel together is alot more confidence-inspiring.
If any of you are putting off buying better tanks because of the coil building aspect, please watch some videos and consider giving it a try. I am mechanically inclined, but I have poor dexterity, and I am able to get it done. I am happy to meet up with FCers here in the Bay and help them get set up. If you are a medical user, I have a spool of 24ga titanium (certified Grade 1) wire, and recreational users will be very happy with 28ga Kanthal A-1.