I would like ti test with the thermocore, but I dont have it (even that anvil is not mine

Maybe the thermocore has the same problem than the tempest with the flare
Yeah. It looks like a firmware limitation, like the yllih (which doesn’t detect the tempest). No logic when the coppercore can get more power than the tempest.
Of course im going to do more tests! I hope i get the new batteries today
Yes it fits. But, at least with a silver ring
But if you remove the magnetic layer then the power goes from 65/70W to 90W…
I dont thing so. If it is a firmware limitation then the only option to make it work better in the flare is to use a less magnetic layer, something counterproductive in theory.
I was expecting to use it at 100/110w with the tempest to reach that sweet point the wand has in the first heat up, and even more.
I can say it can heat an armored cap like a normal cap in terms of time. The hyperdyn super fast but you cook the walls a lot (a device design failure). I need to get the sweet point between power and height with the fusion 2.
I will post results and configs