**Ball vape comparison megathread** Compare your balls.

Which ball vape do you prefer?

  • Flowerpot B0

    Votes: 54 19.6%
  • Flowerpot B1

    Votes: 77 27.9%
  • Flowerpot B2

    Votes: 51 18.5%
  • Old Head freight train

    Votes: 28 10.1%
  • Pinky

    Votes: 20 7.2%
  • Qaroma Ceroma \ Quartz

    Votes: 27 9.8%
  • Qaroma Taroma 2 \ XL

    Votes: 29 10.5%
  • DC ELEV8R with Rubies.

    Votes: 26 9.4%
  • Cloud connoisseur Halo \ Atlas

    Votes: 25 9.1%
  • DDave Extraction Contraption

    Votes: 3 1.1%

  • Total voters


Foggin up the woods
So after reading all of this thread, I think I know what my desktop is going to be.

Originally I was leaning towards the couch log or ssv with the baller mod, but now I’m going to go with the zeal. For the price I practically have to. I think with a dyna or two and a zeal I’ll be absolutely set.

Thanks for all the info everyone
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Foggin up the woods
Please teach us! Our wallets will appreciate this dark sorcery you speak of! :D

I just have a good idea of what I want, don’t have the money to get every Vape that catches my eye. And I don’t have the space for more than a single desktop and a couple dynas.

All of that plus the advancements in the vaporizer space has made finding what I want a great deal easier than it was back in those days

That’s just me though, ymmv


Well-Known Member
Can’t go wrong with the Zeal. My first was a b-zero and it barely gets touched with both my zeal heads around now. Looking forward to going wireless with the omega too. If you’re not strapped for cash it may be worth picking up an Omega head with the Zeal kit so you can go wireless if you so choose and you have injector options.


Foggin up the woods
Can’t go wrong with the Zeal. My first was a b-zero and it barely gets touched with both my zeal heads around now. Looking forward to going wireless with the omega too. If you’re not strapped for cash it may be worth picking up an Omega head with the Zeal kit so you can go wireless if you so choose and you have injector options.

That’s a good idea. Thanks!
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that doesnt look so complicated, this guy must be paying many Liliputians alot of money to clean his rig on a daily basis........


Its a GIANT Reclaim Collector.
I think the guy has to much GAS and realized he needed to do something with allllll his glassware at once ........
Didnt realise you could sell the reclaim as distillate.....
appearantly it is a still for distilling cannabis. I pefere to use my Qaroma and a recycler.

Seing this made me wonder,Wouldnt distilate taste as bad as reclaim? and suffer from the same overheated oil issue?

Distillate shouldn't taste of anything, because the distillation removes all terpenes. Which is why they have to add terpenes to the distillate pens.

Curious Gorilla

Sounds like something smells purple.
Distillate shouldn't taste of anything, because the distillation removes all terpenes. Which is why they have to add terpenes to the distillate pens.
Somehow, adding terpenes to distillate to put in pens seems to be going backwards from Good Medicinal Flower and a baller head injector.
Application and ruining of a clothes clothes iron however, produces some fantastic results from flower. Tasty cured rosin.
Do you think he may be a little over-equiped?


Somehow, adding terpenes to distillate to put in pens seems to be going backwards from Good Medicinal Flower and a baller head injector.
Application and ruining of a clothes clothes iron however, produces some fantastic results from flower. Tasty cured rosin.
Do you think he may be a little over-equiped?

Well unless you count the TA, you can't go mobile with a baller head.

Distillate is very popular for edibles precisely because there's no taste. Personally I wouldn't touch distillate pens and only have sauce/hash rosin ones when I need to travel.

Curious Gorilla

Sounds like something smells purple.
Well unless you count the TA, you can't go mobile with a baller head.
I refere you to my reply in another thread.......
Still won’t fit in your pocket.
It can fit in my pocket but i would never have children again(The missus would be happy any rate).......... and you cant walk very far untill the P.I.D. falls off the table.
Is that burning Sausage I smell......?

I have seen a 12 volt PID and coil before, about a year ago. With an efficient naked coil baller head, and maybe a nice 12v (lithium ion?) battery bank, or a car. ''

PIDs themselves dont need 240 volts, they just need enough power to run the electronic circuit and the solid state relay.
The Coil is what need the watts, we use 100 watt coils at maybe half power max for naked coil, more power efficient injector heads.
Say 60 watts is needed. 12 volts, 5 amps, but then it depends on resistance. coil with the right resistance shoud run a nice lightwieght low mass injector head off a car battery. Dont know how long that or a bank of lithium ion batteries would last. But if you tuned it right could be good.

Flower or rosin for me, seems healthier.I would lke to try resin if i know its been purged right.
I have no trust for 'Carts'. Or most forms of similar extracts. Its done to make more money from less actual medicinal compounds, as far as i can tell.
Curious Gorilla,

Letaps Stash

Well-Known Member
that doesnt look so complicated, this guy must be paying many Liliputians alot of money to clean his rig on a daily basis........


Its a GIANT Reclaim Collector.
I think the guy has to much GAS and realized he needed to do something with allllll his glassware at once ........
Didnt realise you could sell the reclaim as distillate.....
appearantly it is a still for distilling cannabis. I pefere to use my Qaroma and a recycler.

Seing this made me wonder,Wouldnt distilate taste as bad as reclaim? and suffer from the same overheated oil issue?
The wording in article talks like any plant matter (is evil and) must be removed as it contains no medical properties. The industry are desperate to convince people flower is no good-you can get same attitude at some UK cannabis clinics(sappire) ....''you must use our processed medicines, they are less effective, but flower is evil.....'' (while they wave their hands infront of your eyes). They are right, but only when its irradiated flower(do you even get that shit in over in North America or Canada?)
Dont get me wrong, 2 months using mostly cured rosin has convinced me of the medical benefits of GOOD extracts,(Squish) but every similar article sounds a little desperate---- they can make so much more money from processed stuff over Flower, and they dont need good quality.
Where are all the articles promoting the fact vapourising Flower can give you upto 40% more medicinal compounds than any other method of consumption? Or do i have that wrong?

Got loads of black walnut, but i might try get some local applewood for an injector bowl.
Applewood looks good as its low toxicity, fine grained, hard as terp pearl you tread on in bare feet in the dark at night after you have previously dropped all your ruby balls on the floor and missed picking up a few.

Dude that’s a short path distillation setup basically uses a vacuum to lower the boiling points of the molecules and allows to collect separate fractions by evaporating/vaporizing and recondensing at collection flasks as you ramp up in temperature. This is used to make distillate in a batch process compared to the continuous flow Thin Film Distillation.

Both have been decarboxylated; however, reclaim has a mixture of molecules and impurities while distillate is highly purified THC or the molecule of interest.

I’m glad to say that I haven’t tried irradiated cannabis flower but I am aware that some commercial flower producers that do not pass lab testing for microbes/mycotoxins will irradiate the cannabis to pass. Genetics that have fat colas/tight internodal spacing or are grown at high density of canopy or sub-par conditions with high humidity causes a lot of bud rot/mold problems especially toward the end at flower closer to harvest and easily spreads throughout the room.

I don’t know for sure but irradiation can’t be good for the terpene profile; would be interesting to see a clean product and post-treatment of the same batch of genetics to compare before and after from a lab testing and sensory evaluation/tasting perspective. But honestly, I am more interested in clean flower, flavorful genetics, fresh batches, and vapes!

Tetherless ball vapes still pack some power... 🔥


Thanks for sharing and sweet setup. Looks like you were chasing that one hit riding the line extraction but crossed the line into combustion. Happens to the best of us, only down side is having to clean the piece for that fresh goodness but hey you got a clean piece to go at it again.

How’s the tetherless Omega compare to tethered?

Does the tetherless Omega hold it’s heat throughout the pull or do you over heat PID setpoint to compensate for the heat loss?

Do you find redocking into the coil between hits more cumbersome or prefer it over the mounted coils?

Still interested in checking out the Omega but I went with the Dewalt power 12v PID and coil option over it but haven't really used it enough to comment on as I have been busy with other vapes.
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Letaps Stash,

Curious Gorilla

Sounds like something smells purple.
Dude that’s a short path distillation setup basically uses a vacuum to lower the boiling points of the molecules and allows to collect separate fractions by evaporating/vaporizing and recondensing at collection flasks as you ramp up in temperature. This is used to make distillate in a batch process compared to the continuous flow Thin Film Distillation.

Both have been decarboxylated; however, reclaim has a mixture of molecules and impurities while distillate is highly purified THC or the molecule of interest.
Thanks ,that does sound interesting from a learning perpective, will look into it more, but from a medicinal perspective, selecting the right flower with a good Cannabinoid and terpene profile,if you can get hold of it, or rosin/resin from the same, makes more sense. People who know their stuff can controll and and alter terpene levels in the plant. And i dont particularly trust the industry , I would probably go back to opiates rather than have to use 'Carts'. Vapourising PEG, PG, or VG has never appealed to me. And i dont trust there would be no other excipients.
Commercial scale Extracts seem like a way to process badly grown Curaleaf style flower into an acceptable product.
Judging from the effects of very high THC flower,26% and up, which always seems to lack nice terpenes and other cannabinoids pure THC would have some detrimental effects because of that lack.
I have never tried distilate, or carts though, so what do i know.....

I’m glad to say that I haven’t tried irradiated cannabis flower
Unfortunately, most of the available legal medical prescribed flower in the UK IS Irradiated, only a few types are available non-irradiated, you can have to wait to get them initialy as sometimes stock can be an issue, but it is worthwhile.
Irradiation does reduce the terpenes, doesnt remove any bugs bacteria or mould (some moulds it just 'deactivates'), just kills them and leaves them in there. Upto 2% is permitted. Yum Yum.
Also seems to shorten the life span of the product if you look at information on the expiry dates.
Irradiation also leaves a Unique Radiolytic Product in any lipids(fats/oils). Otherwise known as tricomes.
And it also makes it taste like shit.

I went with the Dewalt power 12v PID and coil option
What is this Voodoo Mojo you speak of? Which part of my soul do I sell to get one?
Or do they accept Body Parts?
Very, worn out ones? Somewhat used and damaged.
Curious Gorilla,


Naked member
Thanks for sharing and sweet setup. Looks like you were chasing that one hit riding the line extraction but crossed the line into combustion. Happens to the best of us, only down side is having to clean the piece for that fresh goodness but hey you got a clean piece to go at it again.
Whats kinda funny is that both of the tetherless combustion videos that I've posted combusted on the second hit after a deep 1st hit. I jut got sloppy and let my draw speed drop. :D
How’s the tetherless Omega compare to tethered?

Does the tetherless Omega hold it’s heat throughout the pull or do you over heat PID setpoint to compensate for the heat loss?
I still haven't tried it tethered. Based on the design and the testing that I've done with my own heads, I wouldn't expect much difference in the experience. Temp *may* need to be adjusted slightly for the same roast level.

The head doesn't have any issues retaining heat thru the pull (my pulls, at least). It holds more than enough calories to make it thru a single session, imo. Follow up session... meh, not so much but that's typical of all of the tetherless vapes that I've done (cept for the one that I made out of the trio). There can still be decent vapor, but it's definitely running out of steam.
Do you find redocking into the coil between hits more cumbersome or prefer it over the mounted coils?
My sessions rarely go past a minute or two total in time. There's no point in putting the head back on the coil between hits in that case, at least not for "reheating" purposes; just not enough time to get calories back into the balls. Having said that, it's still probably not a bad habit to develop.

One of the things that keeps me from adopting tetherless in a daily-driver is the fact that it's too easy for me to forget to put the head back in the coil. That keeps biting me in the arse! :D If I use it the same way that I use the tethered heads (keeping all of the components within arm's reach), then it's not really a problem. But then I might as well just use tethered and take advantage of the active coil. 🤷‍♂️
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Grass Yes

Staff member
One of the things that keeps me from adopting tetherless in a daily-driver is the fact that it's too easy for me to forget to put the head back in the coil. That keeps biting me in the arse! :D If I use it the same way that I use the tethered heads (keeping all of the components within arm's reach), then it's not really a problem. But then I might as well just use tethered and take advantage of the active coil. 🤷‍♂️
Yep this is what I keep doing. Realizing I sat down on the couch with the Omega in my hand. I put the bong down and then I am like, wait, where do I put this hot thing?

It is pretty fun to walk around the house with it though. I can even take it outside.

Letaps Stash

Well-Known Member
Whats kinda funny is that both of the tetherless combustion videos that I've posted combusted on the second hit after a deep 1st hit. I jut got sloppy and let my draw speed drop. :D

I still haven't tried it tethered. Based on the design and the testing that I've done with my own heads, I wouldn't expect much difference in the experience. Temp *may* need to be adjusted slightly for the same roast level.

The head doesn't have any issues retaining heat thru the pull (my pulls, at least). It holds more than enough calories to make it thru a single session, imo. Follow up session... meh, not so much but that's typical of all of the tetherless vapes that I've done (cept for the one that I made out of the trio). There can still be decent vapor, but it's definitely running out of steam.

My sessions rarely go past a minute or two total in time. There's no point in putting the head back on the coil between hits in that case, at least not for "reheating" purposes; just not enough time to get calories back into the balls. Having said that, it's still probably not a bad habit to develop.

One of the things that keeps me from adopting tetherless in a daily-driver is the fact that it's too easy for me to forget to put the head back in the coil. That keeps biting me in the arse! :D If I use it the same way that I use the tethered heads (keeping all of the components within arm's reach), then it's not really a problem. But then I might as well just use tethered and take advantage of the active coil. 🤷‍♂️

My thought process is that I usually do at least two bowls if not more per sesh for my personal consumption requiring to redock and wait to get back up to temp and heat soak all the balls for the next bowl vs. having the tethered PID staying on setpoint with back to back bowls.

I really like the concept of being free to roam around while taking hits or camping or backyard and not needing to be plugged in so I went with a 12v powered PID and coil for mobility and all packaged nicely into a pelican case for travel but wish there was something even smaller. However, the 12v PIDs are ideal for camping as 5AH battery can last about 2 hours and you can have multiple batteries and utilize car charger to get up to temp to save a little battery runtime.

What is this Voodoo Mojo you speak of? Which part of my soul do I sell to get one?
Or do they accept Body Parts?
Very, worn out ones? Somewhat used and damaged.

No need to sale body parties or voodoo mojo here’s the links to two companies that produce these 12v battery powered PIDs. I went with CH as its smaller and more mobile but Tinctorus/mgvs also makes them for less with a nice display and 3d printed housing.



I wish someone produced a small compact coil handle that has built in PID and (2-3) 18650 batteries to go wireless, maybe even stick a stir stick and tamping tool in the handle.

Curious Gorilla

Sounds like something smells purple.
I wish someone produced a small compact coil handle that has built in PID and (2-3) 18650 batteries to go wireless, maybe even stick a stir stick and tamping tool in the handle.
Sounds like a box mod with autofire (i am new to box mods, wish someone made them in a benchtop power supply format. it would be easier for me to see and understand what i was doing,) but i dont know how long batteries would last with a baller head, or if they would randomly catchfire.
Been tring to work out a way to use my Divine tribe V5 as a dry herb convection vape, balls might be the wrong shape heat storage for what im thinking,but it will need some balls. Dont know how practicle it will be.
I think it would be possible to use capacitors(with some circuitry) as a short term quick charge battery for an electric tetherless.
If it could be done the capacitor would charge in a few seconds(Less?) of being put in its cradle, and and allow energy to pass through and keep the coil hot while in the cradle. But heat and capacitors dont mix too well, high capacity ones are expensive and they can explode, although modern tech may have a solution.
Possibly a massed array of metal film capactors but it might get too big and bulky for easy handheld use.

Her Majesties Tax Pirates make it expensive for those in the UK to access those PID options in the States .
So have to sort my own cheap ass 12 volt system out.
Joys of living in the Queens Serfdom .
Hardest part is finding a 12 volt coil in the UK , although i might have to order it from the US, it wont cost enough to be on the tax pirates Greed Radar.
First i have to finish grinding a glass joint on a really light weight glass adaptor/injector housing for it to be as energy efficient as possible. Had to take excess mass off an also wanted to shorten the joint. And having broken the the glass while trying to cut it, it needed ALOT more grinding than intended. If i dont break it i will get the 12 volt coil for it.
Portable glass path with glass screen. Should be very tasty. Might even match the Qaroma. My other ones were close.

For anyone interested in the hardness of Corundum, otherwise known as Ruby or Sapphire, this highly scientific experiment may Interest You.

Guns are a tool just like a microscope. You just have to be alot closer to someone to kill them with a microscope.

War and violence are wrong and only the Arms Industry and the Banks ever win. And we are never told the truth.
I do not agree with Violence. Planet of the apes says it all. But i used to enjoy target shooting, and I still have a bow and arrows.
I still want a Ruby Baller Injecor Head. Purely for target practice purposes.
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Well-Known Member
More stuff on the B2cvape store. I'm not sure what I'm looking at , is it like the Taroma 360 housing, but with an injector end too? They got also extra extra extra long coils, I mean look at them, they're like 11 wraps 😅 I just needed a 6 wraps one for my Zeal haha.
It's a better copy than the T360 actually.
With an 18 injector end and another type 360 end but for 18 bowls.
He's a future winner
  • Haha
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Well-Known Member
It's a better copy than the T360 actually.
With an 18 injector end and another type 360 end but for 18 bowls.
He's a future winner
ELI5, I don't get the 360 bit. I thought the 360 enveloped the weed in the bowl for a heat soak before hitting. B2C's looks too shallow to do that. Does it do that with a smaller bowl?
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Well-Known Member
ELI5, I don't get the 360 bit. I thought the 360 enveloped the weed in the bowl for a heat soak before hitting. B2C's looks too shallow to do that. Does it do that with a smaller bowl?
No bowl, the olnly thing it has in common with the 360 is the coil


Well-Known Member
ELI5, I don't get the 360 bit. I thought the 360 enveloped the weed in the bowl for a heat soak before hitting. B2C's looks too shallow to do that. Does it do that with a smaller bowl?
Of course it will act like the 360 but with an 18 bowl size for more flexibility than having to use only the Qshop glass bowl or a WPA that gets stuck in the head lol.
An image to illustrate that the bowl will be wrapped for a heat bath before starting the session.

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