BAKx - bake all kinds


Well-Known Member
Would some kind person mind measuring the length of the bowl portion of the stem/s.

I notice the inner diameter is the same as the 14mm QC. So knowing the fillable length measurement would allow me to get a feel for it.


Well-Known Member
Would some kind person mind measuring the length of the bowl portion of the stem/s.

I notice the inner diameter is the same as the 14mm QC. So knowing the fillable length measurement would allow me to get a feel for it.
~4.5 or 4.6 cm. or just under 1 7/8" max. I've left an mm or so for play as I don't think the glass parts are meant to touch. It holds a decent load, for sure.


Well-Known Member
~4.5 or 4.6 cm. or just under 1 7/8" max. I've left an mm or so for play as I don't think the glass parts are meant to touch. It holds a decent load, for sure.
So pretty much exactly like the 14mm QC. So thr Bakx is literally like having a portable 14mm coiled QC. That's mind blowing. No wonder you guys love it.

Do any of you take it out with you places? If not is it because you don't want to damage the wood?

olysh pops

Well-Known Member
Hi, I got my bak repaired but it doesn't work as usual.
The temperature does not rise very high, less than 170°C approximately, even if I am at maximum for 1mn30.
The display of my eVic VTC Dual shows 70w, resistance .208 and temperature 250°C.
Do I need to make a setting to increase the heating temperature ?

Shit Snacks

Milaana. Lana. LANA. LANAAAA! (TM2/TP80/BAK/FW9)
I wanted a wood one so bad and lucked out today!!:love::tup:

Nice! Same, had my eye on those, but forgot to check the drop before I started my drive instead of after haha 8 minutes too late but that's good because I shouldn't be spending the money right now and good karma nergy since I snagged that tetra from you that time
Congrats :cheers::spliff:
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