Every fibre of my being is in a tizzy with anticipation for the Atlas. Sleep’s been especially hard to come by, it’s mainly down to this recurring dream. I wouldn’t call it a nightmare exactly but it is fairly disconcerting since it’s always exactly the same and I’m very upset in the dream. I don’t put much stock in dreams having deep meaning or spiritual significance and wouldn’t normally seek outside analysis or interpretation but I trust you guys and this thread is a safe space, so here it is:
I’m walking in a little forest that’s outside my village when I notice there’s a sloth wearing a tie-dye, just hanging in a tree and hitting a Heavy Atlas exactly like the one I’ve got on order. This strikes me as odd for a couple of reasons, sloths not being native to England for a start and I’m pretty sure the shirt is one of mine. I’m not 100% certain though and don’t want to falsely accuse him, not least because I also notice his three-inch velociraptor claws. I say hello and ask how the vape’s hitting and if he would mind if I had a hit as I’m waiting on one like his. He doesn’t say a word, just stares at me with those droopy eyes.
So I mind my own and move along but that’s when I realise I’m actually on one of those people-mover treadmills and the background is like from an old movie, painted scenes on massive scrolls to create the illusion of movement. And every so often, there’s another sloth wearing what appears to be a different piece of my wardrobe and vaping with my Atlas. Plus I get a strong certainty that somehow it’s the same sloth every time and no matter how many times I ask nicely, the motherfucker never shares!
Then I jerk awake suddenly and the realisation that I still don’t have an Atlas slowly sinks in. What do y’all think it might mean?