Heady Atlas love
Does anyone have a creative, safe holder for their Atlas. I really am enjoying this thing but am scared to death of breaking it...lol
Do you not have the current one from CC? It is solid and works well, not sure if this version was around when you got your Atlas, but IDB will send you one I'm sure... Check my photos here to see it nestled in a ceramic otter I made lol otherwise I use a ceramic octopus I made to hold my Atlas up safely!
I did get one! I am resting it on that while it's in a ceramic bowl. Wanted to make it a little more secure, might have to commission my friend to make something in her studio. Good idea with the ceramic!
Yeah the current handle stand is great because it naturally completely secures the handle without any effort, so you don't really need to just rest it in there, it can be secured fully gripping it... You could glue that piece of wood anywhere, even on the wall to the side, to slot the Atlas in that way, or yeah glue it into a nice dish, to make it even more stabilized like I did with mine (fortunately it fit perfectly, no need to glue for me, I had a smaller piece of wood used for mine)
oh boy, after reading your description, I was using it all wrong!![]()
I am so out of the loop.View attachment 11671View attachment 11672View attachment 11673
So if you have been following the halo this will have same upcoming internals but the heater is a SS cartridge with ceramic. Surrounded in boro. The release of this vape will follow shortly after the halo. The body it’s in now is just the prototype body and will be dressed like the halo.
I am so out of the loop.
I haven’t been on the site in years. I have been using the Vapexhale Cloud EVO as a daily driver but I’m worried now since it’s been discontinued. Can you enlighten me as to what are these new “ball/bead” Vapes?
Are they convection or conduction or both or what etc? I’m in the market for a new vape just in case my evo breaks (accidents happen). I almost exclusively vape flower so I don’t need it to vape concentrates but it’s never a bad thing If it does.
Anyways, please let me know what the deal is with these vapes. Obviously they are really good right or otherwise no one would do it?
Someone should try an atlas, with a m to f adapter, and a EZLoad bowl to find out if it could replicate (or my guess is surpass) the Evo experience, i.e. with an upright heated joint. Would the stand hold the atlas in this manner firmly enough to put a hydrotube on top?
While the stand I received with my Atlas had a beautiful piece of wood on the bottom, I found I struggled with getting it to hold my (heavy) Atlas reliably (IMO). The black plastic handles were really hard to bend on mine and/or get right. I ended up adapting a stand I'd originally put together for my Halo, which is comprised of a laptop stand and some pieces of a cork trivet (+ some 3M tape) - pictured below:Does anyone have a creative, safe holder for their Atlas. I really am enjoying this thing but am scared to death of breaking it...lol
If any of the vapes I would try it with a Zenith, use 18mm bowl but load it from the male joint side and put hydro tube on top of bowl. Unfortunately I don’t own a hydro tube or I’d try it out for science![]()
Wow, that is awesome and just what I was looking for. My heady is too valuable to not have something very secure for it.While the stand I received with my Atlas had a beautiful piece of wood on the bottom, I found I struggled with getting it to hold my (heavy) Atlas reliably (IMO). The black plastic handles were really hard to bend on mine and/or get right. I ended up adapting a stand I'd originally put together for my Halo, which is comprised of a laptop stand and some pieces of a cork trivet (+ some 3M tape) - pictured below:
However, while cork is obviously heat-resistant; in the spirit of paranoia/overkill I ended up adding a piece of a Silicone Drying Mat as well. This was because my Heavy Atlas has the air intakes on the back/bottom (vs. near the joint like on a regular Atlas [?]). I was a little worried it wouldn't vent air properly if these were obstructed while it was laying flat, so the silicone pyramids let the Atlas lay down while keeping the airholes open (pic below):
And bonus - these drying mats are great for drying small glassware, keeping dab tools or adapters from rolling around, etc.!
I've had this since September, but I finally took some pictures:Woke up yesterday thinking I was going to buy a TM2. Talked to iDB and ended up snagging an Atlas instead.Can't wait!
Yeah there's also actually a thread in the glass section for these bowls...
My favorite come from here:
18mm Injector Bowl With Light Red Elvis Handle + 18mm Male Joint – Store
But cloud connoisseur wood bowls are pretty perfect for ideal extraction despite lack of glass despite lack of glass