In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king
I've been slacking.....just started to get back into the routine a couple weeks back. Put on some pandemic pounds too.
I've been at this exercise thing since I was 13 and I'm in my early 60s....it's not uncommon for me to take breaks here and there but nothing like this last one. The holidays (Kwanzahanarismus, Thanksturkey) signal the annual gluttony vs. exercise competition. Gluttony usually wins out until it's time to train for the annual 15k in March. As usual I ran the 15k last year but my family got upset because of covid so this year I decided to take a pass. All bullshit excuses.... because the race could be run virtually and I also have a really good dread-mill too. Just couldn't get right mentally......was to the point where the only time I left the house was once or twice per month for necessities. Really love the dispensary deliveries though so it's not all bad
Also broke the rear suspension on the mountain bike and screwed up my shoulder some too but as I said....all bullshit excuses.....
Once I got 'older' I kept in mind that exercising isn't just enjoyable it's a physicality savings account and I need to keep making deposits to maintain a happy, healthy account balance. Still true and I'm noticing the comeback isn't as easy now. Even more reason to start making those deposits.
I've been at this exercise thing since I was 13 and I'm in my early 60s....it's not uncommon for me to take breaks here and there but nothing like this last one. The holidays (Kwanzahanarismus, Thanksturkey) signal the annual gluttony vs. exercise competition. Gluttony usually wins out until it's time to train for the annual 15k in March. As usual I ran the 15k last year but my family got upset because of covid so this year I decided to take a pass. All bullshit excuses.... because the race could be run virtually and I also have a really good dread-mill too. Just couldn't get right mentally......was to the point where the only time I left the house was once or twice per month for necessities. Really love the dispensary deliveries though so it's not all bad

Also broke the rear suspension on the mountain bike and screwed up my shoulder some too but as I said....all bullshit excuses.....
Once I got 'older' I kept in mind that exercising isn't just enjoyable it's a physicality savings account and I need to keep making deposits to maintain a happy, healthy account balance. Still true and I'm noticing the comeback isn't as easy now. Even more reason to start making those deposits.