I believe
@nigel has a spare ascent dedicated to EEBs. - those jars do work nicely for that intended purpose.
Good points in your post, but slight clarification on my usage. I keep three Ascents around (four if you count the GF's), and one of them is for "other things" (ie, not MMJ) which includes EEBs and other herbs. So not just essential oils. I do experiment with quite a few other herbs, but I found out the bad way that some of them can leave a lingering flavor which I do NOT want with my normal flower. So after the first few mistakes, I keeps em' separated.
The issue is the temperature, not the accessory trust me. If it were as simple as making different glass jars we would have done that.
They clearly state the max temperature of the vaporizer is 430F. Obviously this is the upper limits the device was designed to handle. It would require a redesign of the vaporizer to reach higher temperatures safely without damaging the batteries due to excessive heat.
Josh from Herbalizer did a good write-up on higher temps. Basically, before their device was on the market, a few FC people asked to bump the max temp. He thought about it for a few days and then wrote this:
tl:dr -- combustion will happen and that's a bad thing. Fuck combustion.
So, if it takes jacking the Ascent up to unsafe territory (ignoring the fact that it wouldn't be possible without a complete redesign), I'd say that isn't a risk worth taking. If the device is capable of being set at 500°F, some people will do just that, oil or not.
FYI you have to use Imgr to post pictures on this site.
So you all see that safety pin. Well, as you may all be wondering, you notice the sticky THC resonating and clogging those tiny holes. Problem solved. Perfect fit. You won't have some weird glass stem melting problem.
Well... you don't *HAVE* to use imgr. You can use any image hosting, including your own server if you run one. You just can't post the images on *this* server.
Also, I'd be *VERY* careful poking a safety pin in the screen holes. Knowing how delicate it is, the wrong wrist action might chip/crack it. Perhaps a soft toothpick might be best? Only downside is they would be disposable so you'd have to keep a few around, but luckily, last time I checked, they sell them in boxes of more than 1.
I keep all of my stems soaking in a sealed glass jar with the real Everclear in it. When it is time to swap sets, the dirty ones go in, and a clean set comes out. A quick rinse under the kitchen sink spray nozzle will knock out anything still stuck like small leaf bits on the inside.
Plus, I get all of the reclaim that way.
To all you people who are posting those really nasty pictures of those dirty glass stems with what looks like burnt resonated oil probably mixed with herb, buy a new one... You cannot be okay using a badly resonated stem like that. I guarantee you it's bad like combustion.
I'm not sure this accurately reflects what is really going on. I'm not sue how you can GUARANTEE that is "bad like combustion". What you are seeing is a build up of the oils that have been brought to volatility and re-condensed in the unit. Well... that and little bits of plant matter that got snuck it. It is an impossibility that is subjected to anything more intense than what those exact chemical compounds were subjected to in the first place that allowed them to be transported to the stem. To suggest that somehow the laws of thermodynamics are violated here is on par with claiming MAGIC forces are at work.
Nope. It is just the same stuff you have been intaking... just condensed before you had a chance.
[SIDENOTE: Perhaps a slight argument could be made for the decay of the plant matter trapped in there (Mildew or something), but the resin itself should provide anaerobic encapsulation, and the vaping proces should leave detritus mainly anhydrous, so hardly a fertile ground for that. And the resin itself, although potentially subject to chemical break-down, should be as stable as any extraction being sold on the market, for which the extraction will have a SIGNIFICANTLY longer shelf period than just forgetting to clean one's stems for a month.]
We have considered using metals, but that takes away from the glass on glass experience.
I don't know that I necessarilly agree that it takes away from the experience. Maybe it will, I could be wrong.
You could -- indeed -- be wrong.

When i was testing the Beta Indicav2, for example, I could taste the metal.
That being said, I'm sure most people either won't notice or won't care. But some percentage of the population will. I think it is just one of those sensitivities that affects some and not others. Another example would be something like silicone, for which some people are SUPER sensitive to, and others, like me, don't care. We all have different things that effect us each differently.