Damn I never made a tincture

soak in 99% alchohol for 4 days and apply in drops below tongue?
Yikes! No. First off, make sure it is the right kind of alcohol. (not really directing this at @
chester222, but anyone else reading this that might make this mistake) If you are talking 99%, then you are most likely talking isopropyl? I think the max one can find for the good, happy alcohol (for most people... not talking lab supply here) would be 190° but some states (IIRC, California, Iowa, Florida, Michigan, Minnesota, North Dakota, Washington and West Virginia) the max one could sell is 151° so there are actually two Everclears.
And I'm not sure I'd put it under my tongue.
Let me restate that: I *have* put it under my tongue. Sublingual absorption is fine and all, but I'd dilute it a tad.

It burns. And the natural temptation is to hold it there for maximum exposure.
Or some drops in a water/drink and you've got edibles absorption rates.
EDIT: just weighted and I put around 0.15g per joint, so this week I've been using half of that per load in the Ascent and I still need to see what the minimum amount can be.
0.07g is about my normal load. In terms of the minimum amount, I'm sure you saw the posts with lwien and 0.025g. Pretty good efficiency for so little, but I'm sure you can go less... just don't know if your scale can.
tried various breathing techniques for the high temps part, including the cigar puff method .
Not sure I 100% get your "cigar puff" (I presume I do, but await further clarification to validate), but I do "cigar puff" -- if I have that right -- on the Ascent, but not on the Herbalizer. I just now thought about this difference in behavior. Hmmm... time to go investigate.
I dislike high temps (read 210°C+) on the Ascent as it gets really uncomfortable on my teeth (yeah I'm one of those guys that can feel this slight sensation...)...
The air path is pretty short and I think high temps are just not for me with this vaporizer.
I honestly didn't notice this until I was traveling with the GF and only brought the standard draw stem out of simplicity. She was coughing after draw, and I noticed too that it was a bit harsher than I was used to. All the rest of the time I use the GonG as my draw stem. It has the advantage of not only feeling more heft and IMHO better in the hand and mouth, but of also cooling the vapor down (part due to length of airpath and I believe large mass relating to thermal dissipation).
So the two "hacks" I use with the Ascent are the glass flowers and the GonG as a draw stem.