I just spent a week and a half out of Town, and loved having my Ascent while out and about. I felt perfectly comfortable puffing on it out and in public so it really did meet my needs as far as discretion and portability. Carried around a few little jars with some pre-ground strains and the Ascent in its little pouch (generally pre-loaded), and whenever I needed pulled it out and medicated. Re-loading while out and about was relatively easy and I didn't draw a lot of attention to myself which was the goal (and the attention I got was more of a curious type).
It did a good to really-good job of medicating, and I didn't feel like I was wasting much ... I packed full generally but not too tight (Santa Cruz Shredder used to grind so it has some "fluff" to it so if I packed tight I'm sure I could get in twice as much anyways ... avg bowl size was around .25-.3 or so)
Another thing that's really nice about the Ascent, is no throat or mouth irritation. It's really smooth and cools the vapor very nicely. This is a big plus in my book. The only other portable I've found as good for this dry is the Solo, but the Solo is hardly discrete.
The world's perception of cannabis may well really be changing

... at least in some areas of Canada ... I vaped openly in the outdoor smoking patio/areas in multiple bars/restaurants, where the bartenders/bouncers noticed, asked me about it, then had a conversation about cannabis and vaporizers with me and didn't give me any grief.