Ascent Vaporizer by DaVinci


And shepherds we shall be,for Accuracy & Discovery
Can anyone verify it produces satisfying vapor?

Pappy (and others wondering about vapor "evidence") --

Were you following the original thread back in about May-ish? SLiM posted some videos that IIRC showed some good production. I See someone also posted THR's video.

I've had great results, but have no video as "proof."

But as I've been saying, slow draws and a good pack are key. I think @Poopman525 (pardon if I have wrongg person) seems to advocate for a really tight pack. I did not find that productive, as I felt it adverselyy affected the airflow, but perhaps it needs some indirect diffusing. But also, I wasn't chasing cloudds.

[EDIT THAT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH THREAD: I've found the bug, but not sure on the cause. If I type a letter at line end that causes reflow to the next line, that character is not only dropped to the next line, but it is duplicated in the process. I have never seen this on the desktop, nor have I seen this performance on the tablet anyplace other than here tonight. Maybe this is FC and my tablet telling me to put down the keyboard and walk away...]


I'm quite confident that oil cans with a couple holes in the bottom, packed tightly with herb, and flipped upside down in the chamber would work well. It'd be tightly packed, decrease airflow and be heavy enough to stay down low in the chamber. I just put a full upside down can in (no holes of coarse) and got a wee bit of visible vapor but, the load was perfectly roasted! This leads me to believe that the heat range is still correct (even though there's the extra layer of glass), there's just gotta be holes in it to open up the air path. Of coarse this is purely speculation based on how well the load roasted in the can.

Very cool idea dude. That might also increase the purity of the draw, preventing excess activity in the area above the bowl... Might have to fire up my Ascent now lol.


Well-Known Member
I'm getting clouds that could make a solo blush at this point!

If hope was liquor I'd be very drunk


Vapor concierge
for the VERY few that have used this with oils and have stated to leave the cap off the oil can... i tried it with some ABV oil i made (kinda runny when heated, thick as molasses when cool) and i left the cap off. i set the temp for max and before it reached the max i heard the oil "bubble over" and "pop" and sure enough it was a mess. i need better insight to using the oil cans. also.... isn't the oil can supposed to have a notch or something the stir tool can grab and pull the can from the ascent bowl?? i can't seem to find one and now have to dump the oil can out by turning the unit upside down

this happened to me with my homemade reclaim. that's why I was using cotton and, enjoying it that way.
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Well-Known Member
Ok so i have a few things to note here. i think that the air does in-fact come in contact with the Sillicon, i say this because the ceramic sits at-least a millimeter or two below the top level of the heater section(the part that makes contact with the top half of the body). This requires that at least some of the air touches the black silicon before it enters the glass draw straw.

On another note, the top removable glass straw is very easy to break, a friend pulled it out too far yesterday and it went crashing to the floor. I had one out side the unit today and it fell and broke. so that 2/3 in two days.

@Davinci_vaporizer Can you offer the outside glass separate from the inside screen/straw? i can see myself breaking a bunch of these.

One other little problem i had was a hairline crack on my U-water pipe adapter, but i contacted Davinci and they have a new one on the way. Which leads me to another point, I think that two rubber pieces for the water pipe adapter makes it feel much sturdier, I had a chance to test this out today using a the silicon part from my friends water adapter and it felt much sturdier with no wiggling/clinking that happens with just one rubber.

And the last thing i mention is that when "kissing" the buddy rim i notice a whistle thru the small gaps where the black chrome pieces meet on the top of the vape.

And i just noticed if i push lightly on the screen it kinda moves a bit.

And one more thing about the Glass on Glass air path, if you look in the grill under good light you'll see a black piece of something, that is not glass, and is in the air path.

I have been low on herb so i only got to use my ascent for a bowl yesterday, i got high but didn't get clouds, i was packing very loosely. let's hope tomorrow brings me more money and more medicine so i can give it a really good trial.

If i could go back in time now I'm not sure i would have bought an my Ascent.

If you let your friends use the glass draw tube, WARN THEM NOT TOO PULL IT OUT TOO FAR!

Edit: just noticed that there appears to be an ever so slight gap between the left side of the middle front panel and the black chrome strip running up it. I mean Really small but still noticeable if your looking at it for perfection, now that i look closer i notice the gap is on all the middle pieces(top and bottom, back and front). The gap is the size of my finger nail, meaning i can fit my nail in the space. I kinda feel like i got a product from a company that doesn't really give a shit about quality, only profit (not saying this is true, just how i feel after seeing everyones problems and my own).
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Vapor concierge
it's all in the pack, guys. don't you guys remember the early reviews where I didn't get shit at first and then SliM told me to pack it tight. after that it blew great. either pack it full and tight or pack it tight with a spacer like cotton and it will hit hard.

these production defects are disappointing. looks like the initial run that mine came off was better than the first production run, unfortunately.


JoDa Glassworks
Glass Blower
Ok guys, with my method of TIGHT packing I'm getting fantastic results. It will chalk my 14 inch tube on 400. When on 425 I am getting near desktop results through my glass. I am not embellishing. I do however only use TOP TOP TOP shelf herb. Did I mention TOP! Pack it til it's a tight draw. I liken the draw to a well packed pax or a solo with a pvhes gong. So more restricted but great results thus far.

EDIT: hahaha sticks I was writing this while you posted about the importance of the pack.


So you thought the "re-worked seals" were going to be made out of glass?


No, I thought the rubber seals would be closer to the outside of the vaporizer, away from the vapor path but preventing external air from entering. The bottom line is, the vape has always been marketed as GonG, and that's what is/was sold as on their website. It is still listed as GonG. They never said it would not be GonG. As paying customers, we shouldn't be expected to go digging around for such information when the product has been listed on their website as such, and appears as such in the manual itself.


And shepherds we shall be,for Accuracy & Discovery

I was just thinking that, out of all of the "issues" and cosmetic errors that are being found, none of the original three reviewers found anything of the like (IIRC). And they've had MONTHS now.

In fact, I don't believe any of the issues were a problem with yesterday's batch of new owners, either.

But today, all of a sudden this afternoon, everyone has problems. I think I know why:

With all of the concern for proper battery conditioning, everyone is now afraid to use their device until fully ccharged. So, we have a bunch of people sitting around, staring at their vapes and "watching paint dry".

Thus getting very frustrated they can't enjoy the new device!

I feel for you all!!!, I'm not rubbing it in...sip...sip... :D
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Active Member
that black piece is in the air path, but it's not technically in the vapor path I wouldn't think. It hasn't become vapor at that point.
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Well-Known Member
@nigel Im in the Yesterday's ascent bunch, and still noticed these things.
Did the review's have to pay $250 dollars to have ascetically unpleasing product?
or did they get them for free to review a new vaporizer? That could also explain why more people are noticing these things, when i bought this i expected it to be flawless both visually and functionality wise, I'm sure others thought the same. Think about Davinci using the word sexy to describe the ascent, is having ill fitting panels sexy? I think not


Flower Potted, Maxed, & Rio'd.

Didn't think I was going to get to try out the new Ascent until tomorrow...but I managed to sneak in half a bowl just a few minutes ago. It was Blue Dream, course ground, almost a shred. I packed the half bowl fairly tight but not pressed hard.

Let it heat up to 390 & took a long slow pull (kinda Pax method but without the restriction) through the wide endpiece for the first pull. I exhaled a pretty decent cloud, fairly dense and a good bit of it. My next pull was with the glass straw and I did not think the draw was as controllable and so I believe I drew too fast and so was left with thinner clouds...but still noticeable as more than wisps.

I went back and forth between mouthpieces for the rest of the session and was very satisfied with the draw, the taste and definitely the effect. As I type this I am pretty fucking BD is definitely top shelf and destroys me with the Cloud...but so far...and this is only first reactions...I am having a great experience with this new portable and we will see how much I continue to enjoy it or find faults with it.

Guess I might be one of the lucky ones that is having a really good first experience. It's not perfect...but if everyone can get theirs to at least work like this is so far...we would all be fairly happy.:):2c::tup:
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Well-Known Member
I am still happy with mine after 2 days use, Having more success with the hash. Cosmetically, no problems with it. A bit of the led screen cloudiness, and it is a little loose as well. I am happy with my purchase so far. I will be giving the battery a workout over the next couple of days to see how many sessions I can get from one charge.


Pappy (and others wondering about vapor "evidence") --

Were you following the original thread back in about May-ish? SLiM posted some videos that IIRC showed some good production. I See someone also posted THR's video.
All due respect, not denying my unit produces wispy vapor and a feeble high if I milk it painfully but nothing like the vapor in that video. It looks like a commercial to me, plenty of clouds but no documentary evidence where the clouds come from. I seen a Moby Nano and someone blowing immense clouds, no Ascent feeding the Nano's joint the vapor. Good editing, but marketing hype IMO, and I produced over 400 commercials on Mad Ave. If the Ascent in that vid produced those clouds then mine is a lemon.


And shepherds we shall be,for Accuracy & Discovery
Yes packing it makes it the conduction vape that it really wants to be!

Again with the airflow. If one can slow the air down, either by packing, slow draw, or both, then the unit really works well. slow & steady.

All due respect, not denying my unit produces wispy vapor and a feeble high if I milk it painfully but nothing like the vapor in that video.

Pappy -- Something is NOT right. I'm thinking your "lemon" statement is right on point. Can you feel the base getting hot? Can you hear air leaking in elsewhere?

Somewhere, SLiM even had a video blowing into the grill/base and getting at least more than that out of it.

*sigh*.... I guess I'm hunting for videos now.


Again with the airflow. If one can slow the air down, either by packing, slow draw, or both, then the unit really works well. slow & steady.

Pappy -- Something is NOT right. I'm thinking your "lemon" statement is right on point. Can you feel the base getting hot? Can you hear air leaking in elsewhere?

Somewhere, SLiM even had a video blowing into the grill/base and getting at least more than that out of it.

*sigh*.... I guess I'm hunting for videos now.
I probably have a defective unit.


JoDa Glassworks
Glass Blower
Pappy I'm quite confident that yours is defective. One can know nothing about the ascent and get better results than what your getting. So I have to attribute it to the ascent malfunctioning.
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