Got my stealth yesterday. I impatiently plugged it in and used it right away. I just saw a comment that it said to let it charge fully before first use. Is that going to matter since it was plugged in during use?
First impression is that this is an awesome vape! My experience is pretty limited. I've never used a desk top model, only portables. I first bought an original Iiolite after seeing Ted Danson use it on Bored to Death, and have since used the Wispr (had to replace twice because of faulty ignition button, thank god for warranty!), Wispr 2 (got this as my replacement for the second Wispr I had to return) and Puffit.
I know a lot of people are looking for comparisons to the Solo or Pax, but all I can say is that this blows anything Iolite has done out of the water. I haven't found the right grind/amount/packing tightness yet but I'm already getting better clouds. I'm liking the variable temps too. Using the same materials, I feel I got way more medicated vape stepping from 370 to 385 to 400 than just the straight 410 degrees the Wispr 2 gives.
I too was pleased with the size. Even though I knew the dimensions, I was expecting it to be bigger and clunkier for some reason. Its no bigger than a smartphone with one of the rubber protection cases on it.
It hits so smoothly. One of the problems I had with the Wispr 2 is that the higher temperature seemed to make the vape dry and harsh. With the Ascent you really get a whole other level of flavor from the materials. I never really noticed before how much the silicone and metal affected the taste because it was just so much better than combustion.
It may be too early to tell on smell, but i don't think the Ascent smells any worse than the Wispr at this point.
If I have anything negative to say about it so far, it's only that there seems to be some condensation or scratching underneath my display screen. It was like this out of box and has not gotten any worse after a few uses. Certainly not a deal breaker though! I can't really comment on battery life yet as i have yet to use it while not plugged in.
The only advantage I can see an Iolite product having is the whole butane thing if you aren't around a power source. But even then I'd only use it as a back up after the battery of my Ascent ran out.
As far as the Puffit goes, they aren't even in the same league. The only thing the Puffit has going for it is the discreetness. I've been to concerts and sporting events where I've been searched, held it up to security along with my phone and no one has ever questioned me. Definitely couldn't do that with any Iolite, maybe with the Ascent.
Overall great machine and I know its only going to get better with time once I fully figure it out. The delays obviously sucked, but now that they're over it was definitely worth the wait. Great job DV!