Well-Known Member
Not to get too confused with all the different types of batteries. The type of battery used in Ascent should definitely not be fully charged unless you're going to use it. Charging past about 80% puts it 'on borrowed time'. Where as they're fine many years later stored at reduced levels (like ten years), a year at full charge, even if never used, is usually fatal. This is why they come shipped partially charged, as they should be stored.
If you stop the charge just 10% early (at 90% rather than 100%) you double the useful life of the battery. Drop it to 80% and the battery "cycle life" doubles again! Not as many sessions per charge, but LOTS more recharges per battery.
Again ,maybe me should hit the crap table ,Vegas style ,since my Li-ion batt for
bicycle gets overnite charges from gitgo w/o 'any' loss of longevity ~ in fact ,if
they get freshened after a week of non-use ,15-30 min bring it up to par ~ as for
your figures 20%/ 100%/80% ,might work for you ,but am super satisfied to be
getting the excellent performance ~ was told avrg life of batt < 3 yrs ,not "5"