You may have misunderstood what I meant though, it is a continuous path but it is not a continuous piece of silicone from the bottom, it's multiple pieces that are conjoined, and that's a problem because the seals can break and if they do, they allow a very easy draw through the circuitry. Mine came unglued at the top after pulling the stem up the second time and you can see a little gap now into the circuity, no wires but circuit boards. If you push down and very tightly reseal this with your hand, you can still suck or blow easily from the other side showing that even if one of the seals is mostly sealed or seems tight, it may not actually be sealed, or it may not stay sealed. Are you sure there are no seams at all between the very bottom of the unit and the circumference of the silicone on the buddyrim? Because it does LOOK like it's one piece of the same material, but it's not (I'm not talking about clear wide open gaps, that doesn't make a difference, it just makes it more obvious, I'm just talking about seams period)
Try the finger test: Swivel the bowl out and tightly close off the bottom of the vapor path under the glass stem with your finger (you should be able to seal it off quite well) and pull up the top mouth piece a little and see if you can inhale at all. If it feels like you're sucking on a wet Popsicle stick and no air is coming up, then yes, your unit must be AT least well glued. If not and you can inhale, then you are inhaling through the circuitry which is then drawing air over the left battery and through hinge that attaches the bowl and ultimately, through the cracks between that little circuit board that connects to the charging port that they decided to leave fully exposed less than 1 cm away from the heater at the bottom of the unit. That is NOT okay. I would almost rather smoke out of a plastic bottle then risk inhaling air that's passing through all that... That should not be PHYSICALLY possible is my point; it needs to be one seamless and continuous, SOLID piece from the bottom through to the top, because you don't want the chance of the seams not being perfectly air right and slowly starting air gaps that you can't see unless you were to look inside while you were sucking on it, inhaling half vapor and half air coming from heated circuity and batteries...
You guys should test that out though and see, I'm really curious. I bet unfortunately a lot of you might find that you can, though I really hope not.