Wow Nigel. Thanks.
Considering what you just said, it should be ok for me. Will report back.
One more question. Did you use a medium grind?
So I just got it. Really beautiful. Nice packaging. Better than nice. But................should there be something in this empty space?:
Welcome to this thread. You might want to take a few minutes and read through the thread.
I had answered you the other day, but the flowers really do seem to help with efficiency. Does one *need* them? No. Do YOU *need* them? I'm guessing "yes."
Try it with the oil can in place if you don't have the flowers. I felt that helped, but feel the flowers are better.
I was using a spare stem to tamp down product, and had an edge of the screen crumble (NOT shatter, but crumble). I'm not sure what I was doing wrong, but never did it again.
That glass is perfectly safe in its silicone home, but fragile outside of it.
I believe that was the holder for the one already in the unit. It comes with two sets and the 2nd one should be in the foam with the oil cans.
Depends, are the glass stems inserted in the Ascent? and is there a spare set underneath the top layer?
Iwien Your comment, "I really can't afford for my MJ bills to go up.........not even a little." Also retired and on fixed income, but Hawaii is med state & I grow my own so supply is no problem. Sure you don't have decimal point in the wrong place. I just weighted out 0.05 and can't imagine that lasting two days in any machine, unless it wasn't turned on. Not trying to be a smart ass, just trying to answer your question and IMO I don't think the Ascent is capable of what you are asking. Convection you can make last and come back to my elbow hit in EQ are perfect example. Conduction bakes like an oven and for me is use it or lose it. Just not much to come back to. Still learning a lot and this is just my opinion.
Deadsea Like the idea of cotton keeping stem clean. Currently using jar w/ hole and larger hole. Like the way it sandwiches the herb between two hot plates as the walls of the jar really transfer heat to the bottom. (Hoping DV comes up w/ something like a mod jar w/ holes) Think I will now try loading the jar w/ cotton filter and hopefully end up with the benefits of both.
Clean it with some cotton and vape it! Does that work?
Experimenting is so much fun.
Got it. Ok, two more questions. Look at the pick below. Looks like there some brown residue around that nub in the bowl. Is that normal?
Also, how far do you guys pull the glass rod out to use and does it matter?
One of mine had some black specs in it that took me a while to realize was in the glaze.
Q-tip+ISO. Does it wash?
@lwien -- Okay. I measured out 0.05g. Turns out, that's more like a normal "pinch." Barely enough to cover the bottom of the bowl. I used the oil can with the lid, and compressed it. I then removed the oil can lid, but left the oil can in there. So, both compressed, then spaced with oil can.
With no holes in the bottom of the oil can, how does that work?
The unit I tested had both 1 and 3, and I never looked enough to comment on 2.
Careful listening on heat up often had expansion related sounds like you'd get from the home heater as it heats up, IMO normal and no big deal. The lens in the unit I tested would rattle a bit if held in the 'right' position (and I reported as much here), IMO no big deal but that's a personal call. IMO it's not 'right', but also not fatal.
Neither is unique to the unit in hand, my advice is to enjoy it.
Thanks for your response. I kept testing it to see if there would be any difference. So far I'm not fully certain if it is expansion or not. I did test it at lower temperatures and there was no static/buzzing/cracking noise, but once it gets to mid 300°F and more then it starts up, kind of a crackling your of sound...
I guess my main question would be: if the sound is indeed expansion, wouldn't the sound stop if the device is on long enough at a high enough temperature?
Thanks for your input in advance.