I was really only asking in the context that Vapelife gave a date... So my question was really only meant for the people who, like Will, got review copies, and were maybe privy to some sort of additional information, I apologize for any confusion...
Tighter fitting glass would no doubt help purify the taste.
Pulling the glass stems OUTSIDE of their operational environment to evaluate performance proves nothing (other that a weak understanding -- at best -- of the operational conditions of a vape design on the part of the reviewer).His example of using the stems outside of the device was not very accurate in representing how tight/loose the airflow is.
All portables will cook the herb if left alone.
Slim and sticks I think those last few posts cleared up most if not all the questions. I am looking forward to your final thoughts and reviews in whenever a week or so.
I love that all three reviewers are sharing as you are learning even though we bitch about this and that. We have to live through you and are trying to make you all puppets which none of you are. Thanks for being so generous with your thoughts and trials.
What Stick's, THR, and I have been giving are initial usage impressions... I feel like you need more then a few days before anyone is really qualified to make that kind of judgement....excitement wear off before you can really tell how well a device will integrate in to your life or not.
I believe I read those comments and respect SLiM's opinion too.Nope: Not "no doubt."
Presumes facts not in evidence.
Actually... nothing but "doubt."
Please see SLiM's comments before.
He sensed excess fresh air intake during actual use and removed to demonstrate what he considers to be the problem the best he could. Makes sense that drawing excess air from the non-glass internals would increase non-glass taste. Some people are more sensitive to tastes than others. Maybe you should at least try it yourself before you impugn Vapelife's motives and say all he cares about is increased viewer count. Makes me question your credibility.*sigh*...
don't know where to begin.
Reviewer CHOOSE to ignore the design of the unit, and fabricate a concern based on changing the operating parameters of some of the parts.
It's like designing a car, ripping out the transmission on the ground, and then complaining the design is flawed because it allows too much dirt in the gears.
It just shows that very little actually went into that review beyond looking for increased viewer count.
all he cares about is increased viewer count.
I don't think he cares about viewer counts as much as he cares about selling Solos.. Dude gets a review unit from DV and uses it to sell his Solos? Really? The guy has no credibility doing stuff like that.
Seriously? He should read 137 pages instead of asking a reasonable question. Lighten up duder.
If you can bother to post a question, you can bother to read a thread first to see that A) not only has this been beaten to death, but B) they mods have already deleted comments and told people not to post this.
Seriously, please learn to read a thread.
I noticed something that intrigued me. Looks like Joekickass influenced the design of the grille on the bottom of the Ascent. Refer to here if you want to see how that unfolded.![]()